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"So, I'm going to show you a few pictures. All you need to do is tell me which one you think is real."

The man sitting uneasily in front of the desk wore a green shirt, which matched his equally green eyes. He wore jeans and sandals. The mans blonde hair fell into his face, making it slightly difficult to see.

He looked at the man sitting before him "why?"

"You ask this question every time, now here are the pictures, tell me which is real."

The man sitting behind the desk lays two pictures in front of the blonde haired man.

He looked over the pictures, examining each.

The first was of a bright colorful city, lots of people walking around, many cars racing through the streets, kids running and playing.

The second was of a weird yet beautiful looking place. The world looked to be made out if blocks. The picture showed a beautiful looking small town with a fountain and a weird black and purple thing. There were less people in this one, though the ones that were all seemed to be not in a rush, not needing to be somewhere in a hurry.

"So, which is real?" The man behind the desk asks, glancing at the man in green over the top of his glasses.

The man in green looks at both pictures again, obviously trying to decide.

"Both" The man clad in green finally answers, looking back at the other man.


"Yes. Both."

"And, why would you say that?"

The in green shrugs, not truly knowing the answer.

"Alright. moving on. I'm going to show you some more pictures, this time of people. you just need to tell me which are real"

The man adjusts his glasses and sets two pictures in front of the blonde haired man.

The first was a guy with short brown hair and blue eyes, which were hidden behind 3D glasses. the guy in the picture was wearing a blue suit coat, blue pants, a trench coat, and red converse.

The other was of a very similar looking man. He was bald and had a beard and blue eyes. He wore a simple T-shirt and jeans along with red converse.

The blonde haired man looked back and forth between the two before answering the pre stated question.



"Yes. Both are real."


And, yet again, the blonde haired man shrugs, still not fully knowing the answer.

"Here's two more, tell me which is real."

The man behind the desk sets two more pictures out.

The first one was of a mam with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a simple white T-shirt and jeans.

The second was of a very similar looking guy. He wore a Chinese red hoodie, jeans, and sneakers.

The blonde haired man felt like there was something about the person in the picture. Almost like he knew him. He felt like there was a connection.

The blonde haired man looked up at the other man.

"Who is this?"

"Oh, no one you would know."

"Then why do I feel like I do?"

"You've probably seen someone who looks like him. now, which one is real?"

"Both" the blonde haired man answers

"Alright, here's two more." The man adjusts his glasses, not taking time to question the other again.

The two pictures were both of guys again, who looked very much a like.

The first was of an Indian with long black braided hair and tanned skin, who wore leather pants and bow slung across his back.

The second was of a guy with tanned skin, that looked eerily similar to the Indian.

"Both are real" The blonde haired man answers yet again.

"Alright, here's the next two." The man behind the desk says, not missing a beat.

These next two wee vey different, unlike the others.

The first was of a pig zombie thing that appeared to be decaying. It wore a loin cloth and wielded a shining blue sword.

The second was a bald guy who wore a purple hoodie. He had one blue eye and one green one.


"Alright, last set."

The man behind the desk sat down two more pictures.

The first was a guy with brown hair a beard. He had blue eyes and wore a bloody apron, jeans, and sneakers.

The second picture was of a very similar looking guy, except he wore a plaid shirt, jeans, sneakers, and a baseball cap.

And, yet again, the blonde man gave the same answer.


"Why?" the man behind the desk asks, adjusting his position in the chair.

"Well... um... I think that reality is not what's out there but what we know, understand, and share with each other of what is out there."

The man behind the desk removes his glasses and leans foreword, staring down the blonde haired man.

"So, what your saying is that reality is different to everyone?"

"Not necessarily. we all see the world differently. we all share what we think we understand, thus, reality isn't just what's out there."

The man leans back in his chair, placing his glasses back on his nose.

"We've made great progress today, I'll look forward to our meeting tomorrow."


The blonde man gets up and heads to the door, meeting two escorts.

The two escorts lead the blonde haired man to a door, a lock on the handle, and a plaque on the door, reading:

Guude Boulderfist

One of the escorts opens the door, holding it open for the blonde haired man, Guude, to enter.

"Same time tomorrow?" Guude asks, eyeing the two suspiciously, seeing something suspicious about them.

One had tanned skin and chocolate brown eyes, he wore a purple hoodie and jeans.

The other had brown hair, a beard, and blue eyes. He wore a plaid shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

They were the people from the picture, Guude realized. But, he couldn't figure out why he felt a connection to them.

"Yeah, sleep well bud." The Indian looking one said

Guude blinked a few times, still trying to find that connection.

"Yeah...." Guude finally responded, heading into the room.

The door closes, the lock clicking softly.

Guude sat on the bed in the corner, staring at the white walls.

He couldn't figure out why he felt like he had a connection between the people. He couldn't figure out why they had been the people in the pictures. Had both of the pictures in the sets been of them?

The two escorts walk away from the door.

"I'm worried about him Pause." The bearded guy says to the the Indian, Pause.

"Me too, Beef, me too." Pause replied to the bearded man, Beef, as they made their way down the hall, away from Guude's room.

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