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"You keep saying that Zisteau!" Kurt says bitterly, tears welling up in his blue eyes. "But you keep promising over and over again, and you only break those promises.... I'm tired of this Zisteau."

"Kurt, you know I love you." Zisteau tries, desperation slowly seeping in.

"You know I love you too, Zisteau, but this shit you keep pulling is only driving me away..... I can't take much more before I snap."

"..... Please Kurt... give me another chance!"

"What? So you can go off and sleep with Vechs again? Or maybe even Pause, cause we both know you've done that." Kurt says, his voice uneven.

"I promise I won't! Just give me another chance Kurt!"

"I'm done with these promises Zisteau. I'm done with second chances."

"But-but Kurt....."

"You know, Zisteau, maybe you should have considered me, your boyfriend, before going off and fucking your best friend."

"I was drunk!"

"Uh huh. Sure." Kurt says coldly, trying so desperately to not break down into tears and give his 'lover' another chance, for he'd already given him too many. "Like you wouldn't go do it again and just forget about me."

"I promised I wouldn't! And I won't."

"But you did Zisteau, you broke your promise so many times. And I'm done. I just can't take anymore of this." Kurt says pointedly, heading for the door of the apartment they shared.

"No no no no... Kurt! Please don't leave! Please!" Zisteau begged, tears running down his cheeks.

Kurt glances over his shoulder, his hand resting on the door knob. "Give me one good reason."

"You love me?"

"I do, but where's that gonna get me if I can't trust you to not sleep with others."

"Because I promise I won't."

"No Zisteau, these 'promises' mean nothing anymore." Kurt says, pulling open the door. "Bye." He says, pulling the door, only a little roughly, closed behind him.

Kurt shakily walked down a flight of stairs and stopped in front of a door. He knocked briefly, awaiting his friend to answer. Tears stung his eyes and his hands shook. He'd never done that before. He'd never been strong enough to actually leave. Zisteau had done that far too many times for second chances anymore. Zisteau had broken his heart far too many times, yet his broken heart yearned for the man. It yearned to have those beautiful blue-green eyes on him, to have those surprisingly soft hands roam his body, to have those lips on his own.

"Kurt.....?" Came a voice, which pulled him out of his thoughts.

"I need a place to stay." Kurt says, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Did he.....?"

He nodded at the others unfinished question, knowing exactly what he was trying to ask.

"You can stay with me then."

"Thanks." His voice was quiet as he spoke.

He went into the apartment and sat on the couch, where he brought his knees up to his chest and rested his head on them, letting the tears finally fall.

"Who this time?"


"Are you gonna go back... or....?"

He shrugs. "Probably not..... he's-he's broken his promise too many times....."

"Why did you go back to him before?"

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