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Hey guys Bubbles here, so for this all the guys mentioned are all in college or around that age. Sorry for the sucky ending, couldn't think of anything else. This was requested by @BreeTheHeliolisk.
Also I'm still taking requests!
Anyway I really hope you guys enjoy and such.
BYE!!!! :)

Beef's POV

I was on my way to my favorite class, photography. I get to class and sit down next Kurt, who was also in this class, and one of my best friends.
"Aren't we starting that project today?" Kurt asks
"Ummm, I think so." I say slowly, thinking.
"Well your helpful." Kurt replies sarcastically.
"Of course I am." I reply with a chuckle

The teacher walks into the room.

"Good afternoon class, today we are going to discuss your project. So this is going to be all portraits. Don't use only one person either, and before you ask yes there can be self portraits as well. You will have to turn in 10 photos total. It will be due next Wednesday. alright you have the rest of class to work on your collages." the teacher says

"This is gonna be fun. I'm gonna get Pause and Etho to be my models." I say
"I'm gonna try to convince Zisteau to let me take pictures of him."
"Just kiss him and he'll do it" I say jokingly.
Kurt blushes
"Ya sure." Kurt says

Me and Kurt work on our collages.

The bell rings. This was the last class of the day so I head to my car. I drive to my apartment. I open the door to the apartment and get a shirt to the face.

"What the hell Pause!" I say
"It wasn't me this time. I swear" Pause says
"Sure" I say and close the door and sit on the couch.
"Why were you throwing clothes in the first place?" I ask with a sigh
"I was trying to do laundry when Etho ran by me knocking over the basket spilling it everywhere. So I threw one at him and he threw one back, but I dodged it."
"Of course. The one time you do laundry." I say with a sigh

Etho runs into the room and jumps onto the couch almost landing on me.

"What?" Etho asks
"I need you and Pause to be models for my photography assignment."
"Really?" Pause asks excitedly
"Ya, and yes it will be fun Etho."
"Fine" Etho says with a sigh.

Me, Pause, and Etho head to the near by park.

I take a bunch of pictures of them posing. There ended up being quiet a few goofy ones.

"Hey Beef, I have an idea!" Etho says excitedly.
"What?" I ask
"Hold on" Etho says.

Etho climbs into a tree and hangs by his legs. I take the picture.

"Alright got it. Come down before you get hurt" I say
"Ok" Etho says

Etho Went to grab the branch he was on, I heard a loud crack and screaming.

The branch Etho was on broke. He fell and hit the ground really hard.
"ETHO!" I yell while running over to him.

There is blood everywhere. He has a huge gash in his forehead. He is out cold.


Pause runs up beside me.

"Help me carry him." I say as I press my lens cloth against his forehead.

Me and Pause rushed Etho to the hospital.

When we get there Etho is put in a room and me and Pause are lead to a waiting room.
"I really hope he will be ok." I say
"Me too" Pause replies.

It has been an hour at least. I'm so worried, we haven't heard anything.

"Beef you really need to stop pacing and sit down." Pause says.
"I know, I just can't help it." I respond

Pause stands up and walks over to me. He grabs my shoulders forcing me to stop. He leads me to a chair.

"Seriously Beef" Pause says.
"Fine" I say with a sigh.

A nurse walks over toward us. I'm instantly on my feet.
"Is he ok?" I ask worried.
"Yes, he is ok. He lost a lot of blood, but luckily you guys got him here when you did." The nurse replies
"Can we see him?" I ask
"Ya" the nurse says and leads us to Etho's room.

Etho is awake now.
"I'm so glad you are ok" I say hugging Etho
Etho groans in pain.
"I'm so sorry" I say stepping away from him.
"It's ok" Etho says
"Also thanks for saving my life." Etho adds
"You are absolutely welcome, plus you would have done the same."

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