Beef's Backstory

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Hey guys Bubbles here, so this is going to be for @MyaDerp's mindcrack back stories. so for this just pretend there is F1 racing in the world of minecraftia. (By the way when i imagine that, it is a car with square wheels struggling to drive down the road. i thought of that during class and had to keep myself from laughing like an idiot.)
Anyway I really hope you guys enjoy and such!
BYE!!!! :)

Beef's POV

It was the second to last race in the season. I was in 5th and on the last lap.
"IceMan has finished the race." I hear through my earpiece.

He must have gotten first again.

I crossed the finish line. I finished 5th. I drove to pit and stopped my car and climbed out. I was greeted by my pit crew and IceMan, who were cheering for my fifth place finish.

"Hey Kurt, congrats on finishing first!" I say walking over to him.
"And congrats to your top ten finish." Kurt replies

Me and Kurt have been friends for almost 3 years. We joined F1 racing the same season. He is on the Mindcrack team. We slowly became friends after a while, since we didn't really know any of the others, us being the newbies. Kurt eventually rose to the top, getting first almost every race. I on the other hand barely ever finish in the top ten.

Me and Kurt head out to a restaurant to celebrate. Once seated we order our food.
"Where is the last race again?" I ask
"Mindcrack raceway." Kurt replies
"Don't you live in Mindcrack?"
"Ya I do, it will be nice to go home. I haven't seen Wolfie in a few months."
"Hey, ill finally get to meet Wolfie!" I say with a laugh.
"Ya, you will, by the way you can stay at my house instead of paying for a hotel room if you'd like"
"That would be great!"

Me and Kurt enjoy our meal and head back to the hotel. We were leaving for Mindcrack in a few days.

I stepped through the portal to Mindcrack, which usually had a whitelist, but since there were fans coming to the Mindcrack raceway they had it temporarily removed.

Kurt had gotten here before me. I'm greatest by a bunch of people when I step into what appears to be town square.

"Hey Guy" A person with messy blonde hair and emerald green eyes says.
"Umm, hi." I say
"Your Beef right?"
"Ya" I respond slightly confused.
"Well, welcome to mindcrack, Kurt mentioned you'd be staying with him, by the way, I'm Guude."
"Ya, hi."
"Kurt's house is down the road and to the left, its the royal observatory." Guude says
"Thanks" I say and head off in that direction.

I get to the royal observatory and knock. Kurt answers not long after.
"Hi, Beef" Kurt says
"Hi" I say

Kurt leads me into the house. I'm tackled by something and yelp.
"It's ok Beef, that's just Wolfie" Kurt says pulling the wolf of me.
"Oh" I say and pet Wolfie, who licks me.

Kurt shows me to my room.

We head back to the living room.
"So let me guess you already meet Guude." Kurt says
"Ya, I did" I say
"You ready for the race tomorrow?" Kurt asks
"I think so." I reply.

I have to get at least 8th to get in the points.

"If you want I can give you a tour of spawn and introduce you to some people." Kurt says
"Ya, that would be awesome" I say

Kurt shows me around spawn town. I end up meeting Baj, Nebris, Zisteau, BdoubleO, and Etho. They were all super nice.

Me and Kurt were heading back to his house when we ran into someone. The person had long braided black hair, darker skin like an Indian, he didn't have on a shirt. He was wearing leather pants, a big headdress, and red war paint.

"Hi Kurt!" He says
"Hi, pause. I'd like you to meet Beef." Kurt replies
"Hi!" Pause says enthusiastically.
"Um.. hi" I say.
"Is he a new member?" Pause asks
"No, he is an F1 racer, and a friend. I offered to let him stay at my place." Kurt explains
"Oh, ok." Pause says
"We have that big race tomorrow, so we are gonna head to bed." Kurt says
"Alright. Good luck tomorrow both of you." Pause says leaving.

I head to bed.

I wake up to my alarm clock. Ugh. I'm super tired. I get up and get dressed. I head up stairs and into the kitchen to find a wide awake Kurt.

"Morning" I say around a yawn
"Morning" Kurt replies.
"How long have you been up?" I ask
"Only an hour or so."
"wow, how are you not tired."
"I don't know" Kurt replies with a chuckle

I eat breakfast and me and Kurt head to the raceway. This is my first time to the mindcrack raceway. Me and Kurt part ways at the pits.

My crew already has my car ready. I climb in and start my practice laps. The track has a few turns I have trouble with, but overall isn't to bad.

I'm at the starting line, ready for my qualifying lap.

I end up qualifying in 2nd, Kurt got 1st.

Me and Kurt are in the pits. It's starting to rain. Ugh, wet tracks are the worst.
"It wouldn't be mindcrack without rain." Kurt says.
"What?" I ask
"It almost always rains here in mindcrack." Kurt explains
"Oh, ok. This is gonna make for an interesting race."

"All racers to the starting line" We hear from the intercome.
"Good luck Kurt" I say
"Good luck Beef" Kurt responds.

I head to my car and climb in. I drive to my second place.

The flag is waved and everyone starts the race.

It's the last lap of the race. I'm barely holding on to first place. Kurt is in 4th. I'm going into the second to last corner, I take it a little to wide and get gravel on my tires. With the gravel and the rain my car is sliding all over the place. I loose control and spin.

I'm about to rejoin the race when the guy in second place slams into the side of my car. My car slams into the wall. I hear tires screeching and then nothing. My vision goes black.

I slowly open my eyes. I'm in a white room. My head really hurts, my whole body does actually. I turn my head and groan in pain. How bad was the accident?

I hear the door to the room I'm in open.
"H-hello?" I manage.
"Hi Beef" Someone with a thick German accent says.
"How bad was the accident?" I ask
"It was pretty bad"
"Who are you?" I ask
"I'm Doc"
"Oh, ok"
"Beef, I'm gonna help you sit up." Doc says walking over to me. He helps me sit up and I groan in pain.

I take a good look around the room. there's a couch and a TV. I see Doc, he is a creeper cyborg. Huh that's weird.

I feel kinda weird.
"What are the physical damages exactly?" I ask
"Um, well you have a few broken ribs, a minor concussion, and." Doc says but gets cut off by Kurt coming in the room
"Beef, I'm so glad your ok." Kurt says
"Hi, Kurt" I respond
"How are you feeling?"
"In pain, and kinda weird." I respond.

Kurt shoots Doc a look. Doc shakes his head.
"So you haven't told him?" Kurt asks Doc
"Was about to when you walked in." Doc replies
"Tell me what?" I ask confused.
"Well" Doc says and removes the blanket from my legs.

I just stare in disbelieve. My legs are gone.

"W-w-what happened?" I stutter
"When the car behind yours hit you, your car slammed into the wall and your legs got crushed. You were rushed here and put into emergency surgery, and your legs weren't save able. I'm so sorry." Doc explains.
I have tears running down my face.
"I won't ever be able to race again."
"I'm so sorry Beef, we really did try everything we could." Doc says

I really don't want to quite racing. Racing is my life. Ill be so lost without it.

Kurt walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. I hug him and bury my face in his shoulder.

When I finally lift up my head, I notice Guude is now in the room.
"Hi, Beef" Guude says
"Hi" I respond
"So me and Kurt, and the other guys have talked and well, we have decided to let you stay in mindcrack." Guude says
"Really?" I ask
"Ya, plus you and Kurt are already friends."
"Thank you so much" I say.
"No, problem, and welcome to Mindcrack."

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