1000 views + special one shot

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Hey guys Bubbles here! so remember that time I said when we reached a thousand views I would put out a one shot I was kinda on the fence about.... well here it is! *gulps* this isn't about Mindcrack.... you'll see what I mean.

This was something that happened because my mom accidentally called Axe Anna. which is a mix of our actual names and my sister proceeded to say ship it... and I did. And before anyone asks I'm not gay.... just wanted to make that clear :)

Also thanks for a thousand views guys!!! you are all amazing and I love you all <3

now on to the story!!!
I really hope you guys enjoy and such!
BYE!!!! :)

Bubbles' POV

I was at Axe's house again. we were playing Mario Kart. I was using my usual set up, my mii and the march bike. Axe was using her mii and the standard bike.

I was in first way in front of everyone, which wasn't uncommon. I finished the race and cheered and sat down my remote and glanced at Axe who was very focused on the race. she was fighting for tenth.

Axe really is amazing. she has long black hair with red highlights, and red eyes. she was wearing a low cut black tank top and jean shorts. we have been best friends for almost 5 and a half years, but recently I have kinda been crushing on her. I haven't told her or even let it show. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I really wish she liked me to but I highly doubt it.

I started the next race.

Axe's POV

Bubbles started the next race. she had a terrible start. She seemed uber distracted. I ended up finishing first way in front of the group. I'm worried about Bubbles I almost never get first. Bubbles was in last.

I look at her. She has shaggy bright orange hair and blue eyes. she was wearing her black and white low cut tank top and her black leggings. she really was pretty. I have known her for almost 5 and a half years. I've never seen her like this. I wonder what's wrong. seeing her like this makes me a little sad, she isn't acting like her usual happy go lucky self. I think I may have a slight crush on my best friend.

The race ended. Bubbles dropped her remote in defeat. I turned off the TV and turned towards her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her

"I'm just distracted I guess." Bubbles replies

"What's distracting you?"

"Just stuff"

"What stuff?"

"Your not going to stop till I tell you right?"

"You know me to well"

"Well, um" Bubbles says and blushes.

"Seriously what's bugging you. I hate seeing you like this."

"I may have a crush on you." Bubbles says barely audible.

"Oh" I say and I can tell I'm blushing

"I'm sorry, I can just leave." Bubbles replies and starts to leave.

I grab her arm. she turns and looks at me with tears in her eyes. I step closer and wipe away the tears.

"No, it's ok Bubbles." I say and lean in and gently kiss her. she tenses up slightly but melts into the kiss.

I pull away and rest my forehead against hers.

"Because I like you too." I say with a loving smile.

"Oh" Bubbles replies

I lean in and kiss her again. Bubbles really is amazing. I don't know how I never realized this before.

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