Good Enough

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Melanie watched tiredly as Scott kissed Kira in the desert

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Melanie watched tiredly as Scott kissed Kira in the desert. Kira was leaving with the skin walkers and Melanie wanted to say by before she left. "Okay, can you guys please stop kissing? I want to say bye to my sister." Melanie groaned, fanning herself as the three of them stood in the hot sun.

Scott and Kira laughed, pulling away. Kira turned around to Melanie, sending her a small lopsided smile before pulling her into a hug. Melanie felt a small pang of sadness as she hugged her sister. "You don't have to do this." She mumbled, unconsciously hugging Kira tighter.

Kira frowned at Melanie, pulling away but keep both of her hands on Mel's shoulders. "I made a deal with them. And I need to. It's not for mom or dad. It's for me." Melanie nodded, looking down slightly. "I know. How long is it going to take?"

Kira shrugged, shaking her head. "As long as it takes." She said before her eyes grew wide in realization.

"I found this. In the tunnels." Kira said, digging into her pocket and pulling out a small, slightly shinny and skinny rock shaped almost like a dagger. She placed into Mel's hand and smiled. "When you threw the cane, it hit the wall and knock a chunk off. Its obsidian. It's your first tail."

Melanie looked down at the rock with wide eyes, holding  up closer to her face as a small laughed escaped her lips. "Awesome..." She breathed out before looking up at Kira. Before the older girl could process it, Melanie was pulling Kira into another hug but she slowly hugged back.

"I love you." Melanie mumbled into Kira's shoulder and Kira smiled, pulling away. "Love you too, sis."

With that, Kira slowly started to walk away from Scott and Melanie. A big cloud formed in front of her before the Skin-walkers appeared. Once Kira got close enough, they slammed their staffs into the ground. The dust went away and so did the Skin-walkers and Kira.

Scott wrapped an arm around Melanie, grabbing her shoulder and shaking it slightly. "Let's head home." He mumbled, pulling her to the Jeep where Stiles and Liam were waiting for them.

As they walked, Melanie shook her head, looking up at Scott. "One more stop."


Melanie slowly got out of the Jeep as she stood in front of Beacon Hills' local hotel. Where her parents were staying. She felt frozen. Her brain was screaming at her to move her legs and to go inside and talk to her parents but her feet wouldn't move.

"You sure you want to do this?" Scott asked, leaning out of the passenger side window by his elbow slightly. Stiles leaned over him, looking out the window to look at the girl. "Yeah, Belle's just over at your guys' house if you want to go pick her up for moral support or something."

"I'm here." Liam groaned at Stiles, sticking his head between the two front seats, making Stiles roll his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Liam glared at the boy before sticking his head out the backseat window so his head was next to Melanie's.

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