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Thankfully, there was a student council meeting, so Will got to skip math and music. Two terrible subjects on a Thursday morning.

Plus, it was late October. The weather was cold. Will hated winter. He usually joked about seasonal depression, but it was a real thing. His depression would genuinely get worse in the colder months. He'd stay in his room all day during fall and winter, which made him think. Thinking was never great.

He walked to the meeting with Annabeth, Percy and Nico. Frank and Hazel had gone together, being the cutest people ever. Will guessed Reyna and Jason would already be there.

Annabeth was holding a coffee cup, like the last meeting.
"Is there Capri Sun in it again?" Percy asked.
"Nope, lemonade." Annabeth laughed, walking into the room. Will sat in the same seat as last time.

"That's everyone," Reyna smiled. Jason, who was sitting beside her, didn't look so happy.
"Did everyone steal Annabeth's Capri Sun coffee cup idea?" Travis asked. He was right, plenty of people had coffee cups.
"Yes. She's a genius. Now I can drink Kool-Aid and no one notices!" Dakota said.

Reyna sighed. "Silence, please."
Everyone surprisingly listened.
"Thank you. Meeting start, 9.04 a.m. So, at the last meeting, we were talking about fundraisers. We got plenty of ideas. Since it is almost Halloween, we'll be having a Halloween themed fundraiser. I was thinking the Bake Sale might work." Reyna was the one talking. Jason stayed completely quiet.

Clovis raised his hand. "Pyjama day."
"Maybe another time," Reyna said. Will knew she meant never.
"Like I said last time, school stay awake. That way we could have a movie night, karaoke contest and things like that all in one," Percy said.
Reyna nodded.

"Plus, we could bake at night for the bake sale the next day. There's a kitchen with a bunch of equipment. If we brought ingredients then it'd be perfect." Gwen said.
"Good point. Octavian, write it down," Reyna ordered.
Octavian sneered but started writing.

Reyna turned to face Malcolm and Annabeth, who were both looking into a laptop.
"How's the school website coming along?" she asked.

"We're typing up the news for this week. Parent-Teacher meetings next Friday and things like that" Annabeth explained while Malcolm typed.
"There's parent-teacher meetings? Oh. Well, I'm fucked." Nico said.
"Nico, language." Reyna said.
"Italian, but English works too." Nico joked. Reyna rolled her eyes.

"Hey, Annabeth, Malcolm, why isn't the news on the website entertaining? I don't care about meetings. I want the gossip." Travis said.
Malcolm sighed. "Because it's a school website, not a drama page."
Connor went over to Malcolm and Annabeth, picking up the laptop.

"Connor, be careful!" Annabeth said. Connor started typing.
"Connor-Stoll-Is-The-Hottest-Person-In-The-School." Connor read aloud, typing.
"Don't even think about it," Malcolm said.
"Is this the publish button?" Connor asked, pressing a random button.

"He didn't," Annabeth muttered, taking the laptop back. Will looked over Annabeth's shoulder. He did, in fact, publish it.
Malcolm buried his face in his hands. "Murder isn't good," he muttered.
"CONNOR!" Annabeth yelled. "We have no way to delete that!"

Connor laughed. "Good. Let the whole world know the real news."
"Connor, you do know our mom is going to see that?" Travis tried to keep a straight face.
"Eh. Well, let's blame Malcolm." Connor shrugged.
"Why me?" Malcolm muttered.

Reyna cleared her throat. "Pace, Chase, are you sure there's no way to delete it?"
Malcolm sighed. "I'm trying."
Will started laughing. "Annabeth Chase, Malcolm Pace and Jason Grace. It all rhymes. Sorry, sorry."
"You people are hopeless," Reyna said.

Malcolm breathed a sigh of relief. "We got it deleted."
"See? Everything's fine. Now there's no need to be mad at me." Connor said.
"I'm always mad at you," Malcolm muttered.
"And mad for me?"

Annabeth almost choked on her lemonade.
"No!" Malcolm said.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I have standards." Connor said.

"Okay!" Reyna shouted. "Enough flirting. We're already running out of time. I'll sort out a school stay awake, hopefully. Anyone want to say anything or ask any questions?"
No one said anything.
"Alright, meeting concluded. You're all free to go."

Will walked away with Percy, Nico and Annabeth again.
This time, Connor Stoll walked beside Nico, attempting to talk to him.
"Do you have the geography homework done?"
"Nope," Nico said.
"The biology?"

"Well, oh fuck. I already asked everyone else and they don't have it done." Connor sighed.
Will walked a bit ahead, leaving Connor and Nico to talk to each other.


Nico shrugged. "If no one else has it done, why do it?"
"Hm. Good point." Connor said.
Nico looked over to him. He had no clue why Connor would try talk to him.

It was break time, so Nico walked to the cafeteria in silence with Connor. Percy, Annabeth and Will were a bit ahead.
"Alright," Stoll began. "See you in biology. Uhm- unless you want to sit with me and my friends-"

For some reason, Nico felt bad saying no. But at the same time, Connor's friends were insane. "Thanks, but maybe another time. See ya." Nico walked away, sitting down beside Grover before Connor could say anything else.


"Oh, yeah, Leo?" Will turned to Leo who was sitting beside him. "Wanna go to Texas for thanksgiving?"
"Huh?" Leo asked.
"Me, my mom, Lee and Michael are going home for thanksgiving. We're booking plane tickets this evening, so do you want to go? Since you haven't been there in- a long time."

Frank frowned. "Thanksgiving is over."
"Canadians," Grover muttered, shaking his head.
"Wait- you're inviting me to thanksgiving with your family?" Leo asked.
Will shrugged. "Yeah. If you wanna."
"Uh- yes! We can visit Cal!" Leo grinned.
Will sighed. "I haven't talked to her since moving away. I don't know about visiting her."

They got distracted from their conversation by Reyna and Jason.
"Aren't you going to talk to Drew? She's sitting alone," Reyna said.
Will didn't know why Reyna cared, but she had a point. Not even Sherman or Damien were sitting with her.

"No," Jason said.
"Don't leave her alone," Annabeth said.
Jason looked paler than usual. "We broke up."
Leo seemed to freeze. Will didn't know why it was such a big deal, they were never going to last.

"She broke up with you?" Percy asked. "Sorry, man."
"No, I broke up with her," Jason said.
"What?! When?! Why?!" Reyna said quickly.
"Yesterday. It doesn't matter." Jason muttered.
"It does matter. You can't just- break up with her for no reason." Reyna said.

Will didn't want to be in the middle of their argument, but he didn't have a choice. He watched Drew lock eyes with Jason for about two seconds, before standing up and walking towards the bathrooms.
Rachel frowned. "I'm going to the bathroom. Be right back."


Word Count: 1156


A/N: sorry for the bad chapters recently, I'm in a bad writing slump lol. But solace family content soon 😌

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