Chapter 58

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Ever since Su Jingyang was hijacked by the system and came to this world, he had suffered a series of unwarranted disasters, yet the thought of ​​going home had always been firm.

——It's less like a thought and more like a belief.

Even if there were Ah-Li and Ah-Xuan who are like relatives to him, Liang Lu and Rong Hua who were good to him, and Rong Ci who he had formed a family with... his belief to go home stood as stable as a mountain in his heart.

He wanted to go back, even if he'll be alone after going back, there was where he grew and rooted, and there will have no more coercion or entanglement from the system!

If he was told to stop collecting energy and give up to return to his original world, it meant that he'll be at the mercy of the system for a lifetime, it means to compromise with that dog system, to bow down to evil forces! ! !

Whenever Su Jingyang thought about it, he would feel suffocated in his heart, his every nerve clamoured in rejection! No one can make him pay such a high price!

But he didn't know when everything started. He started to change without noticing it. He started to become more and more accustomed to the company of Rong Ci, accustomed to feeling his body temperature and accustomed to the gentleness that he gave. Even though he was angry and hurt from being deceived, in the end he still worried about his hurt and injuries. Su Jingyang had to admit that Rong Ci's plan of softening him through marriage was somewhat achieved. He cared about him so much, even after he kept admonishing himself not to be trapped by him.

Just step in and it'll be over.

And now, there were two more children. Although they have only been together for just a month and he got chronic headaches and annoyances because of their crying, the thought of them growing out of his bone and blood was unstoppable and eroded his heart, making him feel flustered.

Sometimes he would quietly stare at the children sleeping, watching their cute faces. Su Jingyang's heart would be filled with a touch of melancholy and sorrow... he was very afraid that if this continues, he wouldn't be able to hold back from falling any longer.

That night, when the two children woke up for their night milk, the person who attended them was Rong Ci. Whenever the children woke up hungry and moved around, Su Jingyang would usually be the one to be awakened to quickly call in the wetnurse, but today he laid still, his eyes were closed, as if he didn't notice anything.

Rong Ci knew that he was awake, his dark pupils flickered slightly, staring at the figure with his back to him for a long minute.

Rong Ci thought that he was acting weird today, he also had an intuition that this wasn't simply because he blamed himself for the children's heat rash, it seemed like he had other things in his mind.

Rong Ci stretched out his arms and hugged him fully. It took a moment for Su Jingyang to move in his arms, he opened his eyes and looked back at him.

Their eyes met, Rong Ci stared at him quietly and was about to speak when Su Jingyang raised a hand to cover his mouth, he felt him frown under his palm as he prevented him from speaking. But he was afraid that this would just make him more upset.

Rong Ci's breath warmed him as he sighed lightly, his eyes were still fixed on his face. After a while, he took off his hand and held it, kissing it, his deep voice was very soft, "You should go to sleep, the child should stop being noisy after a while."

He didn't ask, so Su Jingyang just sighed and responded vaguely. But he still didn't sleep. He waited for the child to finish drinking milk, he got up and took both of them back to put them by his side for a while.

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