Chapter 1:

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Lauren's POV:

Hi. My name is Lauren Eve Good. I am fourteen years old and I was born on October 31, 2000. I have blue eyes and dark brown hair. I'm short and skinny and really tan. People say I have a big ass and big boobs for my age, but whatever.

My mom was dating a guy from her high school. They were 'in love' they were 'high school sweethearts'. They did it one night and he left the next morning. He left without saying anything to her. Then nine months later, I was brought into this world. As my mom says.

I've never met my dad, but I know who he is. He is a WWE Superstar, Dean Ambrose to be exact.

I was left to be raised by my single mom. She was my best friend. I realized that all I really needed was my mom. I am constantly bullied in school for being sporty and not girly or because I don't have a dad. I only had one real friend. One friend that I knew I could always trust. My mom.

My mom passed away six months ago in a car crash. She was driving home when she got hit by a drunk driver. I was heartbroken that day. My heart felt like it was ripped out and stomped on. I had no one. My best friend left me. She was gone forever.

There's not a night that goes by and I don't cry. I cry myself to sleep at night. I just miss her so much.

I'm currently living with my aunt. We were always close. I mean not as close as me and my mom. Nobody could replace what me and my mom had. It was special.

Anyways, my aunt is going to Australia for the next month, so she's sending me to a lacrosse camp in Nevada. I looked it up and my dad is supposed to be in Nevada the same time I am. So I've decided to go see him.

The only problem is that he doesn't know about me. I have to make sure that he doesn't just slam the door on my face. I need a plan. And I need to come up with one quick because as of right now, I'm in front of his hotel room door.

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