Chapter 44:

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Lauren's POV:

I finally will understand what happened between my parents and why they hate each other so much. I want to know what happened that was so terrible for my Mom to hate him and for him to dislike her.

I walked over and sat down on the couch while my Dad sat on the recliner opposite to me. I smirked crossing my arms while he stared off into space.

"I cheated on her." He blurted out randomly causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry?"

"Me and your mother had known each other since first grade. I always used to flirt with her and copy off her paper. She was like my best friend. Sarah was there for me when no one else was." 

"We had become VERY close the summer of sixth grade. We had taken a trip to Florida with her parents. They had let me come cause well I was their daughters best friend."

"After that Summer everything changed. I didn't see her as a best friend anymore. I saw her as more than that. I saw her as my girlfriend. As my partner in crime. As my second half. As my savior." Dad sighed looking down at the floor again.

"I...finally grew a set and asked her out in ninth grade. We dated through out high school. So about three years. Three amazing years. Ones that I fucking miss SO much."

"She helped me get through high school. Seeing her beautiful face and hear her say the words 'I believe in you' got me through that hell hole. Well almost. I didn't quite make it through. I dropped out after mine and your mom's break up."

"It was eleventh grade, and I was set to finish school and become a fucking wrestler. Something I dreamt of since a kid. And Sarah." He smiled.

"She had her dreams of becoming a cosmetologist. And along the way possibly becoming a singer. God her voice was beautiful. I loved hearing her voice." Dad smiled uncontrollably.

"Then well one day, I decided to take her out on a fancy little date. You know the whole nine yards. Expensive wine and the breezy beach. It was amazing."

"Especially when her hair would blow in the wind and slightly blow her dress up as she tried to keep it down. When she would blush at my comments. So we had left and went back to my house. Not the safest place, but good enough."

"I-well we you know had sex and then we left the next morning for school. She started acting really weird the next few weeks. You know lashing out on me, craving weird foods that she hated, and having stomach pains."

"I didn't think anything of it and we had went to a club a few weeks later. She wasn't drunk but I was. I remember everything, drunk or not though. We ended up in the bathroom stall when she spilled some news to me. At the time, it was devastating to me."

"She had told me she was pregnant and I had just froze up. I didn't know what to do. I could barely handle myself let alone a child. I was afraid of becoming my father. So I left. I fled and went to some place in Cleveland."

"Few weeks later I found myself wrestling in CZW. Your Mom called and called but I never answered. Then it hit me. I had left the only light in my world because she were pregnant? Pregnant with the child I made with her? I left her to raise a child on her own?"

"I didn't do anything though. Instead I carried on wrestling until about a year later we were back in Ohio. I had saw Sarah working at that little karaoke club and went up to her concerned about her and the baby."

"She ended up kicking me and flipping me off before I could say anything. I had went to her house, that the club had given me the address to, and she wouldn't let me see you. That's when I saw you in the crib." 

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