Chapter 52:

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Lauren's POV:

I giggled as Bailey kicked her feet in the air trying to catch them. She's so fricking cute. I can't seem to stay away from her. I love her so much.

We woke up this morning around ten thirty-ish. She's not a very normal baby considering she slept for over ten hours straight without waking up.

Me and Bailey have yet to leave the room. No ones come in yet and I doubt anyone's awake. They all like their beauty sleep too. So it doesn't surprise me that their not up.

"Are you hungry, Bails?" I tickled her as she giggled. I rolled out of bed and looked down at her. She held her arms out smiling brightly.

I laughed and quickly picked her up. I cradled her in my arms tickling her. Bailey kept laughing and wouldn't stop. She was so full of energy.

I walked out of my room and down the LONG staircase. I made my way into the living room and laid her on a blanket that was on the floor.

I kissed her forehead before running into the kitchen. I warmed up the milk my mom had pumped and poured into a bottle.

I grabbed a donut on the way out. I walked back into the living room to see her laying there staring at the ceiling. I giggled catching her attention.

"Blah. Bleh." She cooed smiling. I laughed picking her up and sitting on the couch. I fed her the bottle with one arm while eating my donut with the other.

I looked around my Dad's living room. He had black walls with a white sofa, two white chairs, flat screen tv on the wall, an pictures scattered along the walls.

I looked through them and they were mostly of him and a lady. There was a little boy with them in some. Then some were just of him and the boy. One of him and an older lady that resembled him.

Two had really caught my attention. The first one of him and Mom. They were obviously really young, but cute together.

The second one was of him and Summer. They were kissing at an Eagles stadium. It made me sick to my stomach. Why would he even have a picture of them together?

I looked down to see Bailey had finished her bottle. I sat her up and patted her back so she would burp. She did and I laid her back down right. I smiled looking into her similar blue eyes.

I picked both her and the bottle up taking it into the kitchen. I placed it on the counter before I started for the stairs.

I decided to get her and me ready. Maybe we could find a park to walk in or something. I finally made it up all the steps and went into my room shutting the door locking it.

I placed her on my bed so I could get ready. I made sure to put her in the middle with pillows all around her. I brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I put some makeup on and then put my outfit on. It consisted of a pair of mint green jeans and a white tank top. I threw on a pair of nude sandals even though it was really cold outside.

I walked over to Bailey and pulled her to the bottom of the bed as she giggled. I pulled out a diaper and a blue and white onesie. I put on matching socks and a blue hat.

I gave her a blue bunny that Brie had bought to match the outfit. She wrapped her tiny arms around it closing her eyes. I laughed kissing her all over her tiny face making her giggle.

I scooped her up and grabbed my phone on the way out. As we made it down the steps I placed Bailey in the stroller that Nikki had gotten. I pushed her out the front door and stopped realizing there were steps.

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