Chapter 41:

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Lauren's POV:

I'd try to get help first. That'd be better. If everything else fails, then I'll have no other choice but to let go.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME! PLEASE HELP ME! OH GOD! PLEASE HELP!" I screamed as tears rushed my cheeks. Yet again, no one came to help me.

"Un-fucking-believable. HELP ME PLEASE!" I screamed. Nothing. I shook my head closing my eyes.

"Goodbye world." I mumble squeezing my eyes tight as tears slipped from them. I let out my last breath before letting my hand go.

But I didn't go anywhere. It felt like I wasn't falling. It felt like I was floating in mid air. With pure confusion I peeled my eyelids open to see someone pulling me in through their window.

"Hang on Laur." They mumbled as they easily picked me up and pulled me into the warm room. I fell to the floor as soon as I was on my feet.

"Woah, Lauren. Are you okay?" I heard the voice say again before I was lifted off the ground and placed on a bed. I opened my eyes again to be met by dark brown ones.

Ones that belonged to Seth. Seth Rollins. My Dad's ex-brother. Seth had turned on Roman and Dad a while back.

"Lauren what's wrong?"
Seth asked with sympathy showing in his dark eyes.

"I-I." I couldn't speak. I just let the tears roll down my cheeks. He quickly pulled me into a tight hug. I cried into his chest as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"Sh Laur, it's okay." Seth muttered into my ear. I sobbed loudly as I soaked his once dry shirt. I pulled away as my blue eyes watered with tears.

"Why were you out there?" Seth asked quietly.

"I-I got into a fight with Mom and Dad. Then everyone left me. They stabbed me in the back. I left through the window trying to run away. But the stairs collapsed and I fell. I started to slip."

"I cried out for help but once again was ignored. Until you came." I whispered. 

"Why did you say goodbye world? Were you gonna let to?" Seth asked in confusion.

"Yes. I thought what's the point of living if no one notices you. If your all alone like I am, why live through the pain? Why keep going on if your constantly broken down? What's the point?" I said exasperated.

"Lauren. Don't ever say that. Don't ever try killing yourself. Don't ever think any of that. Your not alone in this world. You can't let one fight bring you down. It's not worth it."

"Your worth so much more. Do you know how selfish that would be? You'd only be taking away your pain. You'd create pain for everyone else around you. It's not fair." Seth explained shaking his head.

"Seth I have no one. Everyone hates me. They ignore me an treat me like complete shit. They're always yelling at me or breaking me down. Do you know how many times they've made me cry?" I asked as tears welled up in my eyes again.

"No but that doesn't matter. It's in the past. This is just one bump in the road. You'll fix it. I promise you, it will get better. It always does. Remember when you hated your dad and you left for three months? Then what happened? You guys couldn't be separated." Seth smiled.

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