Chapter 36:

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Lauren's POV:

So, I didn't find my Mom anywhere. She wasn't in any of the stores or restaurants around town. It was getting late and I was getting tired. I've been out ALL day searching the city.

I knew that I'd be in trouble when I got back to the hotel. My Dad was probably going to yell at me before grounding me because that's what he usually does.

Nikki will probably lecture me and then we'll end up painting our nails together. That usually occurred often.

I'll probably cry myself to sleep tonight knowing that I still haven't saved my Mom. I mean I tried. I looked EVERYWHERE. Maybe I just didn't try hard enough.

Anyways, I was starving considering I didn't eat ANYTHING at all today. I was currently walking towards our hotel suite door. I grabbed my room key out before slowly opening the door.

I slowly walked in hoping to not get caught. As I shut the door and turned around My Dad and Nikki stood there with crossed arms. I jumped in surprise as they stared at me.

"Hey guys. How's it going?" I asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Where the hell were you all day?" My Dad growled.

"Nikki I love your dress it's so cute." I smiled at her as she just shook her head at me.

"I'm going to ask you this one more time. Where. The. Hell. Were. You?" My Dad said through clenched teeth.

"I went to Jupiter. It's pretty nice there. You should go there sometime." I said slipping my shoes off.

"Enough with the sarcasm and stalling Lauren. Just answer the damn question." My Dad growled.

"Well..... Since no one else would look for My Mom, I decided I would." I smiled lightly at them. They both gave each side glances before turning back to me.

"What? Why are you two looking at me like that?" I asked confused.

"Lauren....Sarah is dead. She's not alive." Nikki said softly.

"She's alive. Nikki I thought you were on my side? I thought you agreed with me?" I asked in disbelief. Nikki opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"Oh. I get it. You said what I wanted to hear not what you thought. Gee what a friend you are." I said as my eyes welled up with tears.

I started to walk towards my room but was stopped by my Dad.

"Lauren it's not about choosing sides. It's about the truth and the truth is that Bryan screwed with your fucking mind and made you think that Sarah was still alive. She's not. She's dead." My Dad explained shaking his head.

"No. I get it. I've been lied to for weeks. I THOUGHT that Nikki was my friend. I THOUGHT that Nikki was my sister, but in reality she's like everyone else. She doesn't give a fuck about me or my feelings." I whispered trying to fight my tears back.

"Lauren stop it. Nikki isn't trying to do anything to you. She's simply telling you the truth. There are no sides on this one. It's simple. Sarah is DEAD!" My Dad told me. I shook my head.

"I get it. You two. You two think I'm crazy. YOU TWO THINK IM A LIAR! YOU THINK THAT IM LOOSING MY MIND OR SOMETHING!" I yelled as tears started to come down my cheeks.


"NO DAD! IM IN PAIN! Can't you see?!? I accepted the fact that my Mom was dead for a whole fucking year! I ACCEPTED IT! UNTIL I SAW HER! SHE HELD ME IN HER FUCKING ARMS AGAIN!"

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