Chapter 38:

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Lauren's POV:

"LAUREN!" My Mom and Dad both screamed as I slammed the door shut behind me. I ran down the hallway and to the elevator. As soon as it opened I pushed the button so the door could close.

I pushed the top floor before slowly sliding down the wall in loud sobs. Why is this happening to me? Why can't they just get along and we can all be together? I just need to clear my mind.

The doors opened and I suddenly jumped to my feet. I walked out of the elevator and towards the roof doors. I opened it and walked out on to the roof. I sat down on the ledge dangling my feet.

I watched the cars and lights pass below me. The stars were out and it was dark. It was so gorgeous and majestic. I loved it all. It really did calm me down A LOT. It took away all of the stress and I felt as though everything was lifted from my shoulders.

It was truly relieving. I just needed to get away from them. Both of them. I can't believe how selfish and stupid those two were really being. They both were in the wrong.

I mean My Mom literally just was fucking reunited with me and she doesn't even care or show affection. Instead she chooses to pick a MAJORLY STUPID fight with My Dad. Like for Christ sake get over it. You two broke up like fifteen years ago. I mean come on.

If she really cared about me, why wouldn't she be catching up with me or something? Why wouldn't she tell me how everything transpired? Why won't her and Dad both tell me the damn truth for once?

Then she tells me that I wasn't  living with my fucking aunt? Like what the hell is that bull shit? Instead of sharing with me why I 'wasn't living with my aunt', she decides to be a two year old and fight with my father.

Then there's Dad. Instead of being a responsible adult and getting along with Mom, he decides to argue back with her bringing up shit from like twenty years ago.

Instead of being caring and getting along with Mom so I don't have to choose between them both, he decides to bicker right back at her. Like seriously? Idiots. Complete and utter morons.

I closed my eyes as all of these thoughts ran through my mind. I wanted to get away from all of that shit, yet here I am thinking about it again. Damn it.

I heard the door open and close behind me but I didn't even bother turning around to see who it was. Cause honestly, I could careless right now at this moment. It could be freaking Santa Claus and I wouldn't care. I just want to be fucking left alone. Is it that hard to ask?

"You know it's not safe to be dangling over a hotel thousands of feet in the air." All of my previous thoughts of being alone were wiped from my mind as I heard his husky voice behind me.

I turned as he sat next to me on the edge. His luscious blonde locks flowing in the wind. His beautiful baby blue eyes glistening from the lights below and the stars above. His pearly white teeth shining bright as he smiled his beautiful smile.

This instantly put a huge smile on my face.

"Now Mikey, if you think it's dangerous why you gonna do it?" I teased as he chuckled.

"I meant it was dangerous for a gorgeous girl like you to be dangling. Wouldn't want your pretty face to be smashed on the ground below now would we?" Mike asked with his charming smile.

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