Chapter 56:

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Lauren's POV:

Darkness. Darkness was all I could see. That's all I've seen for the past two weeks. How do I know it's been two weeks?

Well Mom sat next to me crying her eyes out earlier. She mentioned that I've been asleep for two weeks and it's been rough. Her and Dad can't sleep at night knowing that I could possibly never wake up.

Many people have come to visit me through out this past week. I'm not sure about the first week cause I can't remember any of it. As hard as I try, I just can't open my eyes.

Yes, I want to open my eyes again. This past week I've realized that I'm not alone in this world. I have special people who are by my side. They might not be there at every second of the day, but they shouldn't have to be.

They have their own lives too. They should be able to live their lives without having to ride along mine. I can't expect them to drop theirs for mine. I'd be asking for way too much.

Joelle had came in here balling. She sobbed her little heart out the first glance she had of me. JoJo had came in and hugged me tight crying into my chest.

She apologized for not being there for me when I needed her the most. She apologized for excluding me and making plans without me.

Joelle is truly my best friend. She knew exactly what was wrong with me even when I'm half dead in this hospital. I love her so much. She's like a sister.

When I didn't respond to her at all after she told me to wake up, she threw a tantrum. Joelle cried and screamed that she lost her best friend.

I could hear Roman and Brie trying to calm her. That didn't work so I'm assuming nurses came and got her taking her out.

Mike had came in and choked on his words a bit. He tried very hard not to cry and succeeded even though his voice cracked through each word.

His words and voice just gave me life. The way he spoke was just so sweet and caring. He had also apologized for leaving me out and not being by my side.

Mike also stated that he wouldn't know what to do if I were to die. He begged and pleaded for me to stay with him and fight through it.

He said that he should have told me how he felt sooner. How he felt about me. I was so confused yet happy. Was he gonna say he liked me? I sure as hell hope so cause I like him so fucking much.

Morgan came in crying and said that Kacey wouldn't dare come in cause she were to afraid to see what I looked like. Morgan apologized and told me how much she loved and needed me.

Then Kacey came in. She cried her fucking eyes out so much. She blamed my 'death' on herself. Even though I'm not fucking dead.

Anyways she apologized for not being by me like she promised. Kace cried saying that I was there through everything with her but she didn't return the favor. She ran into Morgan's arms leaving me behind.

Kacey reminisced the fun times we had together. She told me about the death of her mother. She overdosed on drugs and alcohol.

I wanted to open my eyes and hug her to death. I wanted to be there for her, but I couldn't open my damn eyes.

Dolph came in with Aj. They both cried hugging me to death. Aj had to be torn away from me by I think Ziggler.

Roman came in telling me to wake up. Saying that nothing was the same with out me. Everyone was going insane without me there.

Nikki had came in sobbing and whimpering. She laid next to me in bed crying on my shoulder begging and pleading for me to wake up.

She said how Bailey and her needed me. She also tried blaming this on herself. She said if only she had came sooner or better yet never left for Arizona I'd still be happy.

The biggest apology and shocker of all was my dads. He fucking cried. Dean fucking Ambrose cried. He told me that he was so sorry for ruining my life.

Dad said that he was turning into his own father and he was going to stop. He said that he was sorry for hurting me and not being there for me.

Dad told me how much he loved me before he had left which was a while ago. I was alone in this hospital bed unable to talk, move, or even open my damn eyes.

I heard a sniffle followed by a loud sob.

"Lauren. Please, please, please wake up. I need you. I want my baby back. Please." Mom sobbed grabbing my hand and placing her head on it.

"I'm a fucked up person Laur. I need you. I need you now more than ever. I have a HUGE secret that I can't seem to figure out what to do with. I need your help."

"I need my baby girl. I need you to help create more memories with. I need my cooking buddy. I need my little helper. I need my singing partner."

"I need my other half, Lauren. I need you. Bailey needs you. Lauren she's been lost without you. Bailey hasn't smiled yet since you've been out."

"Please Lauren. Baby girl fight through this. For you. For me. For Bailey. For dad. For Nikki. For Joelle. For Mike. Baby help me out. I need you."

"I know you can't here me, but I need your advice. I've been keeping a huge secret from everyone and can't keep it anymore. Not again."

"Baileys not Bryan's daughter. She's Dean's daughter." Mom cried out squeezing my hand.

What the fuck?! What the fuck did I just hear? Am I hearing right?! What the FUCK?! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!

"LAUREN!" Mom screamed as her voice became faint and distant. I was scared. I couldn't hear or feel anything. It's like I was, dead.

Sarah's POV:

"LAUREN!" I screamed as I clutched her cold hand in mine. She started ceasing up and down in the bed.

Her eyes opened for a split second as her body rose up and down. The line went flat as the loud beep went off. Her eyes closed and she laid motionless in bed.

"NO NO NO! YOUR NOT DEAD! BABY COME BACK TO ME! PLEASE! LAUREN! HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP!" I screamed as tears rushed down my face.

A flood of nurses and doctors came through the door. I held my baby's hand as I was dragged away from her. Dean came in and pulled me into his chest.

"She's dead. My baby's gone. Lauren is dead. It's all my fault." I sobbed clutching his shirt.

"No baby. She'll pull through. It's okay. She's okay. She's gonna be fine." Jon reassured rubbing my back and clutching on to my shirt. His voice cracked through every word meaning that it wasn't true.

My baby's gone. Lauren's gone because of me.

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-Peyton ❄️

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