Chapter 12:

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Lauren's POV:

"Wait, WHAT?" Kacey screamed. I shook my head. We were currently in Kacey's bedroom on the bed.

"Yeah my mom passed away seven months ago. She committed suicide." I said nodding. She looked at me with a sad look.

"Why-Never mind." Kacey mumbled.

"Why did she do it? She did it because she couldn't handle it anymore. She couldn't handle all of the stress. With Bryan around and stalking her and shit, plus her job, she just couldn't take it. And she had to take care of me by herself with her parents constantly on her about how I ruined her life and that they were disappointed in her." I shrugged.

"OMG. I'm so sorry. Gosh, I wish I was here for you. I'm so sorry." Kacey said pulling me into a hug. A single tear fell down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

Kacey knew everything about my mom. She knew all of the Bryan issues and how close me and her were. Actually, Kacey and my mom were pretty close too.

"So, where have you been?" I asked her.

"Just living the military child life. Well not anymore. My mom found out that my dad was cheating on her so she filed for divorce." Kacey shrugged.

"Good. No offense, but I never liked your dad anyways." I said. She nodded.

"I know. I don't know how my mom stayed with him for as long as she did. All he did was beat us and abuse us." Kacey shrugged.

"I'm sorry though." I said with a small smile.

"No it's good. The thing was that when he said he was at work, it was a lie. He went to work for half of the time an then left to hook up with his bitch." Kacey explained.

"Oh wow. Slutty move." I said making her laugh.

"So where have you been? Heard you went to lacrosse camp or something." Kacey said poking my stomach.

"Who told you that?" I asked her with raised eyebrows.

"Miss.Baker. I saw her at the grocery store the other day." Kacey told me.

Miss.Baker was our seventh grade science teacher. She loved us and we loved her. She was young and sweet and had good fashion tips. Anyways, she moved up to ninth grade. So she was my science teacher last year. I remember telling her about my trip to Nevada for lacrosse.

"Actually, I was supposed to go to lacrosse camp, but skipped it and met my dad without telling anyone!" I smiled at her. Her mouth dropped open a little bit.

"You met him? You met YOUR DAD?!" Kacey yelled in shock. I nodded with a smirk.

"How was it? Who is he? What is he like?" Kacey asked bombarding me with questions.

"He's WWE Superstar, Dean Ambrose. And he is a complete jackass." I told her with a nod.

"What did he do?" She asked confused.

"Well for starters, he told me that he didn't want me and that he didn't care about me. Then he put his slutty ass girlfriend before me. Oh, he is also the reason why I'm here. My dad basically told me to leave." I shrugged.

"Oh wow. He's a jackass." She said with a nod.

"Sounds like you." Kacey said with a smirk. I shot her a glare and she put her hands up in defense.

"Just saying. You have your moments." Kacey said chuckling at the end.

"Oh, shut up bitch." I said rolling my eyes.

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