Chapter 55:

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Dean's POV:

We've been sitting in this damn waiting room for over three hours. Three fucking hours yet no one seems to be able to tell me whether or not my baby is okay.

My baby girl. She's right. Lauren was right. I'm a horrible parent. I yelled at her and made her feel like complete shit. I laid my fucking hands on her. I made her feel unwanted.

As a parent, I'm supposed to make her feel loved. Make her feel wanted. Make her feel safe. I couldn't do that and look where we wound up. In a fucking hospital where her life is on the line.

I was too worried about my sexual needs to realize that my daughter was in pain. She was hurt and broken. Lauren was so broken, she wanted to kill herself.

I was too idiotic and selfish to step back a second and look at her. To pay attention to her for one god damn second. I didn't even stop and make sure she was okay.

I have left that poor child out of my life. Bailey has no father cause her's is in jail. She's a rape baby. Her mother was raped when she got pregnant with her.

I haven't even touched her. I barely ever even look at Bailey let alone give her any attention. I don't want to screw up her life like I did Lauren's.

Lauren, my baby, is in so much pain right now because of me. She's in a hospital right now because I was too fucking stupid. If only I had taken the time to check on her. To spend time with her.

"Lauren Good?" A doctor in a white coat and clipboard came out. Me and Sarah both stood to our feet.

Dolph had swung by earlier and picked up Bailey. I think they went to the cafeteria so he could feed her.

"We're her parents. Is she okay?" Sarah asks quickly.

"Is she alive? Please tell me she's okay!" I said shakily.

"Well, Lauren suffered a dislocated hip from where the car hit her side. Her leg was fractured in some parts. Her right arm seems to be fractured too. Lauren's ribs are also broken/fractured."

"But that's not the bad part. The car had so much force against her small body that when she flung back she experienced some whiplash."

"Her head bounced off the ground when she fell which caused her to lose lots of blood. We stitched her head back up but she has a severe concussion as of right now."

"Lauren has slipped into a deep coma that we're not quite sure if she'll be able to pull through. We're running some tests on her now to see whether or not there's any chance she will."

"But what was very strange was that she was very weak before the accident. It was as if she were very fragile."

"It almost seems like she hadn't eaten anything to the point where she didn't have enough energy to stay awake. She passed out quite too fast for normal."

"I'm so sorry, Mr. And Mrs. Good. We'll let you know anything else that we come upon." The doctor smiled before turning on her heel and walking away.

I looked over at Sarah who looked at me.

"I killed my baby! What have I done? I pressured her so fucking much and stressed her out so much to the point that she wanted to kill herself!"


"My baby. She's gone. My baby. Nooo!" She cried out into her hands. I held the tears back as I helped Sarah up into my arms.

"Sh, sh, sh. Baby calm down. She's gonna be fine. Lauren's a fighter. I promise." I whispered knowing that everything I just said, was a lie.

If Lauren's given the choice to die or live, she'd obviously choose to die. We wouldn't be here if she didn't feel that way.

I hope and pray that something in her mind changes and she lives. I swear to all that is holy I'm gonna make sure my little girl comes home.

I just hope that she's okay and she's gonna make it. I don't know what I'd do if she died.

What kind of parent am I? I starved my kid so she couldn't get enough energy to fight through this. I'm so fucking horrible.

I made her feel alone in this world yet again. I need to stop. I'm such a horrible fucking person. Lauren's right. That's why I don't have a girlfriend or wife and my own child hates me.

I'm a nothing.

Lauren's POV:

Pain. That's all I was feeling at this moment. Pain was rushing through every part of my body. I couldn't open my eyes.

They wouldn't open. Do I want them to open though? If I do then I'm just back to square one. Alone in this world living in complete hell.

I could just leave them shut and live a peaceful life in heaven. I could be away from everyone. All the drama. All the hate. All the heartbreaks.

Everything that could possibly harm me in anyway shape or form would be gone.

Or am I already dead? Am I already in heaven? No I can't be. I'd be able to see something besides just darkness. Lauren your so dumb.

Should I fight through this? Or should I just say hell with it and die a peaceful death?

Please comment and vote.

-Peyton ❄️

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