Chapter 5:

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Lauren's POV:

"Your a terrible driver." I laughed as we pulled up to Texas Rhode House.

"I'm not a bad driver. I'm just not the best driver." My dad chuckled shrugging. I rolled my eyes stepping out of the car. We walked side by side into the restaurant.

"Hi, welcome to Texas Rhode House. How many?" The nice waiter asked. She looked sweet and caring. She had blonde hair down to her shoulders and big blue eyes. Her name tag read 'Kate'.

"Three. The other ones on her way." My dad told the lady and she smiled before taking three menus, and walking through the aisles.

"Here you go. I'll let you guys settle in before I take your order." The waitress smiled before walking away. She seated us in the back corner in a booth. I sat across from my dad.

"Who the hell is-" I started only to be interrupted.

"Language." My dad told me sternly.

"Who else is coming?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Summer." He told me, looking at his menu. I raised my eyebrow.

"That slutty whore that was in the hotel room earlier, walking around in her underwear and bra?" I questioned.

"That would be her. She's my girlfriend." He said still looking at the menu. I clenched my fists under the table.

"Why would you invite her?" I scoffed. He slammed the menu down and stared at me.

"Lauren she's my GIRLFRIEND. I'm pretty sure she should be able to come have a meal with us." He said angrily.

"Well this was supposed to be a me you meal. Not a me, you, and plastic Barbie doll meal." I said back through clenched teeth.

"Hate to break it to you sweets, but not everything's about you. It might have been all about you with your mom, but not with me. Now quit being so selfish, and get over it." He growled.

"Well I'm sorry for wanting to have a meal with my father, you know since I've never even fucking met you. I'm going to the bathroom." I mumbled. I slid out of the booth.

"Lauren I didn't." I ignored my father calling me back and just walked through the restaurant until I found the bathroom.

I didn't even have to use it, I just wanted to get away from him. I stood in front of the mirror and splashed water in my face. I took five deep breaths before walking back out.

"Lauren! Come here!" I turned and saw Aj. My face lit up instantly and I sprinted over to her table. She opened her arms with a big smile and I gave her a huge hug.

"What are you doing here? Come sit." Aj smiled scooting over and letting me sit. I looked across from us and saw Dolph Ziggler.

"My dad brought me here, but apparently he wants to spend more time with Summer. So, he's eating with her." I shrugged.

"Oh. Well stay with us then. This is my boyfriend, Dolph." Dolph smiled at me and I smiled right back.

"I'm Lauren." I chuckled.

"Who's your dad?" He asked me.

"Dean Ambrose." I mumbled. He nodded.

"Well you can stay with me and my kids anytime you want." He generously offered.

"You have kids?" And as if on cue, two kids, one boy and one girl, about my age walked up to the table.

"Dad, um, Mike waisted all of the money and broke the machine." The girl said quickly pointing at the boy, I guess Mike was his name.

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