Chapter 40:

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Lauren's POV:

After mine and Mikes passionate little make out session on the ledge of the hotel, he talked me into going back to the hotel room. I did put up a fight though by arguing with him.

Sadly, he won the argument and I was forced back down to my so called 'family'. I was so pissed at both of those two idiots that I can't even look at them. There so fucking annoying.

Me and Mike had reached the hotel door like three minutes ago. I stood there staring a hole through the door as tears welled up in my eyes. The thought of them just made me want to crawl into a hole and cry to myself.

I quickly blinked all of the tears away. I didn't want them to know that they had such an effect on me. I was tired of crying. I cried for minutes, hours, months for both of them. And this is how I get repaid?

I'm tired of being the weak little girl who cries all the fucking time. I'm tired of being the fucking pathetic, weak, bitch.

"Are you gonna knock?" Mike nudged me towards the door. I shook my head.

"Nope. When I decide to go in, I'll just barge in." I shrugged as if it was normal, which technically it was. I've never really been known to have 'good' manners.

I kind of just do stuff. I don't really think before I do, but that's just me. I mean I don't really care cause I'll say what I have to say. I'll do what I have to do no matter what the outcome is.

Especially in this situation. I'm going to go in and ignore them. If they start to badger and attack me again, then I'll just say what I have to say. Its not going to be any positive things either. In the end, if the outcome of what I say to them is that they don't like me, who gives a damn.

If the consequences are that they don't want to ever see me again, then so be it. Because I'd rather be thrown out after I voice my opinion, then to be kept in with all of my thoughts caught inside of my head.

"Well now would be a great time to open the door." Mike encouraged lightly pushing me towards it.

"Nope. It's not time yet." I shrugged with a smirk. Mike rolled his eyes before opening the door and yanking me in with him. Everyone was sat on the couch. And by everyone, I mean EVERYONE.

Nikki and Mom sat on one couch laughing and talking with Aj and Brie who both had suddenly appeared.

Dad and Roman sat on the other couch laughing with Dolph and Miz -who also had appeared. They argued over something probably super stupid; as usual.

No one looked our way. Not one person even budged. What I couldn't get over was the fact that while I was god knows where, they were inviting people over to have fun and games.

Was I some type of joke to them? Was I just an annoying brat who they couldn't wait to get away from? Was I even relevant or important to them? Did I not mean ANYTHING? Was I just another face in the crowd?

All of these thoughts rushing through my head causing me to get severely angry. How dare these bitches act as though I didn't exist? Okay so yeah their hanging out and having fun, but did they not once even care to stop and think of where I was?

I thought I meant something to them. But apparently I was wrong. VERY wrong. This just angered me even more to the point where I was about to lunge at all of them.

Mike saw the anger in my eyes and his eyes widened in fear and sympathy. Fear as to what I was gonna do and sympathy because of these bastards in front of me.

My eyes widened and my breathing picked up rather quickly. My fists clenched at my sides as I watched all of them laughing and having a good time. Mom was rubbing her stomach smiling as she probably told them all about her 'baby'.

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