Chapter 30:

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Lauren's POV:

I opened the door slowly with a shaky hand. Once it was fully opened, I walked in slowly.

I saw the girl from earlier sitting in the corner with her back towards me. She was wearing a dirty short sleeved shirt with black leggings. She had on no shoes and her heels were black from dirt. Her straight, long blonde hair was down her back.

"You hurt her didn't you?" She asked not looking my way. I pulled a confused face but before I could say anything, she spoke again.

"YOU HURT HER DIDNT YOU? DONT IGNORE ME YOU SICK FUCK! TELL ME, DID YOU HURT HER?!? GOSH I HATE YOU SO DAMN MUCH. WHY ME? WHY OUT OF ALL PEOPLE, DID YOU COME AFTER ME AND MY FAMILY? WHY CANT YOU GO FUCK AROUND SOMEWHERE ELSE? HUH?!?" The woman in the corner screamed with her voice cracking. I knew that she was crying by the tone of her voice.


"I'm not Bryan. I'm Lauren Good. I locked him in the other room, so if you want to get out of here as much as I do, then we have to hurry. I don't think we have much time." I told her holding the door open.

"Lauren?" The lady asked instantly standing to her feet. She turned my way and my eyes widened. Tears welled up in my eyes as she had tears falling down her cheeks.

"M-Mom?" I asked with my voice cracking. She nodded with tears running down her cheeks.

"Yeah it's me."

This was the book that had the most votes!! So I will be working on this book until it's finished. I will update the other stories when I get a chance to.

So you finally found out who was in the basement!! Sarah wasn't dead after all. She will explain how she got there in the next chapter.

I know this was a VERY short chapter, but it was more of a filler chapter. Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'll update a longer chapter tomorrow.

Please Comment an Vote.

-Peyton 😃

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