Chapter 11:

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Lauren's POV:

"No." I said to him. My dad looked at me shocked and confused.

"No?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"No. I'm not going to stay here so you can make me cry and make me feel like shit then give me the same apology each time. You know, your nothing but a bitch." I said to him with my hands on my hips.

"Lauren!" Aj screeched. I looked at her before exploding.

"What? It's true. You know it, she's know it," I said pointing to Joelle who was now in the doorway with Roman, "He knows it. Hell everyone does. Oh wait, no not everyone considering I've never been seen in public with you!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me with a shocked and now angry expression.

"You said you've been a terrible father and the truth is, you have been. I see people all the time with theirs fathers. I've seen them since I was a little girl. Whether their playing at the park or eating dinner together. Whether their taking a walk or talking."

"My friends from my lacrosse team ALWAYS had their fathers at the games. Their fathers would always tell them how proud they were of them. But I never had that." I explained crossing my arms.

"Hell, I see Joelle and Roman together all the time. Everyone knows that she's his daughter because he's not ashamed of her! Roman takes her out to dinners and takes her to her lacrosse games. He actually spends time with her! See Romans a good father." I yell pointing at Roman and Jo Jo.

"Dolph takes Morgan and Mike out for ice cream, he goes to their lacrosse games, he takes them out to dinner and guess what?!? He takes them AND Aj out to dinner! Did you know that was possible? Taking your child and girlfriend out to dinner without screaming at your child and making her feel like a selfish bitch!"

"He doesn't ditch them to go fuck Aj! Dolph actually cares about his kids! He would put them before anything and everything." I scream at my dad. He just stood there shaking in anger.

"If Dolph is such a great Dad, why don't you go live with him?!? Huh?" My dad screams at me. I shake my head tearing up.

"Because he's not you! OMG! Don't you get it?!? I don't want another dad, I WANT MY DAD! I WANT YOU! BUT YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND THAT! I want YOU to take me to my lacrosse games. I want YOU to take me out to dinner. I want to mess around with YOU. I want YOU to talk to. BUT YOUR SO CAUGHT UP WITH EVERYTHING ELSE, THAT YOU JUST TOTALLY SHUT ME OUT! And I'm sick of it." I finished yelling and just stared at him with tears forming.

"IF YOUR SO SICK OF IT, THEN LEAVE." My dad yelled at me. I jumped in fear as a single tear fell.

"Fine." I croaked out. I grabbed my suitcase off the floor along with my other bags. I pushed passed him and walked over to the door. Joelle and Roman stood their with their mouths dropped open a little.

I pushed passed them too before storming over to the door.

"DEAN!" I heard Roman yell.

"What? If she feels the way she just said she does, then let her sorry ass leave." My dad said back. Tears fell. How could he say that?

"Your one rude bitch! Lauren came all this way, lied to everyone and anyone who got in her way to come see you. She ditched her lacrosse camp to come here and meet you. Dean you have done nothing but treat that girl like shit." Aj yelled.

"She just told you that she wanted her father; that she wanted you. But of course you had to be a dick." Roman screamed.

"She has no where to go! You heard Lauren say that her mom would protect her. That her mom wouldn't let HIM hurt her again. That she wouldn't let HIM rape her again. She doesn't have her mom anymore! She has no one! You don't even know who HE is. Lauren can be in danger but of course you wouldn't care. Your THE Dean Ambrose. Your the kind of guy who doesn't give a damn about anyone else but himself." Aj screamed again.

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