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"Why aren't there any cabs here? Oh God, that's why Theo smirked at me while saying he would punish me if I were to be late. Because he knew that I would not be able to get a cab in this locality. God! Give me strength to not strangle him on sight. He is such an arsehole." I huffed and walked, only God knows how much distance I covered or to where.

"Fancy seeing you here princess" I turned to see the owner of the voice behind me. It's Theo's friend from yesterday. He is standing beside a silver Rolls Royce ghost. I know about cars thanks to my experience at the garage. My eyes twinkled at the shiny wheels.

"Good morning sir," I said not knowing what to say.

"You wound me, princess. I told you not to call me that. Now common hop in and belt up." I am still speculating whether to go in or not.

"You are safe with me princess. In any case who would want to face the wrath of your boyfriend alias the demon anyway." He opened the door for me, I got in and he started his car without any delay.

"Theo is not my boyfriend. He is my boss." I said with a scowl.

He abruptly halted the car with a screech. Thank God there are no vehicles in the rear of us.

"What did you just call Theodore?" He asked me with a shocked expression.

"Theo?" I said casually like I am used to saying his name. This brought back the memories of the previous night where I was moaning his name shamelessly.

He tittered for a while and started his ride "I knew it. He is whipped."

"What?" I asked not understanding a bit.

"He hates when anyone calls him by that name. Not even me who had known him since his childhood. Till now it scares the shit out of me the way he glares at who calls him by that name."

"I now know what betrayal feels like," he said dramatically.

"I don't know this but he didn't stop me from calling him theo, I wonder why?"

"That's easy he likes you and may I say adore you. You know I am kind of jealous right now." smile never leaving his face.

I scoffed "He most certainly does not."

"Well, you were walking from his house right?......I bowed my head down to which he continues...my bet is you are living with him" I turned my face to the window.

"Hmm guess that's a goal. This got to be the 8th world wonder. That bastard didn't tell me and even denied when I claimed it."

"I mean who would in their right mind let you have slipped from their hands. But we are talking about Theodore here, it's the next wonder, Jesus fucking Christ this is the 8th wonder." I hissed at the curse words.

"You have already said that."

"Huh guess I have I mean I can't believe it." It has been 30mins and he was still saying the same words, disbelief surfacing all over his face.

"Why are you going by foot all by yourself again. I don't think Theodore would have allowed it." He asked me suddenly.

"He only allowed on the condition that I arrive before him otherwise he would punish me.?" hoping he would drop me sooner.

"Ooh, kinky" He smirked.

"Aa what?" I asked being flushed. I know what that means, Carol used to break my eardrums about all that stuff.

"Aww princess you are too adorable. But only he knows what's in stock for you. Handcuffs, collars, belts, blindfold..you know you should be prepared." I gasped at his words.

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