Show me around

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I took her around Davenport, showing her random things, walked a few parks, showed her some cool stuff, stopped by the botanical garden since I knew from her tattoos she liked flowers, we were walking when she saw a sign for the farmers market.

"Hmm that looks cool."

"You never been to a farmers market?"

"Yeah I have, they are cool ,let's go see what they got."

"Sure why not." I said following her, it had been a while since I was there myself. Usually my mom was nice and got stuff as my star rose and I was never here.


I smiled as Colby slipped his hand in mine as we walked. I couldn't lie there was a bit of a shock that went through me every time he touched me. Being with him felt nice, relaxing, different. If I was being honest with myself every time I was around him I always found myself craving more time with him. I was really liking him.I grabbed a couple bags of cookies, one being lemon snaps which I had never heard of and grabbed a chocolate and a key lime cookie. Being a Florida girl I was all about the key lime.

"Oh my god coffee." I grabbed a bag and it was Kona coffee. The best coffee ever and hard to find a good one here on the main states. It was from Hawaii.

"You like coffee."

"This is Kona coffee, it's from Hawaii and it's the best coffee, and yes I like coffee."

"Me too, I like trying different things when we travel, but coffee here really doesn't hold up. I want quality coffee here, traveling got me spoiled."

"Open your own coffee shop then."

"You know I actually have thought about that." He said as we walked. "There's this space next to my school that just went up for sale."

"I think that's a good idea, I mean if you like coffee that much and want something good here for when you are home do it. Might regret it if you don't." I saw him smile at me. "Hey do you care if I cook, I mean you are letting me crash at your place while I am here."

"You're my girlfriend I never get to see, I was not letting you stay at a hotel and yes you can cook."

"You got a grill?"

"Yeah, I think I need propane for it but yeah." I grabbed some vegetables I could roast up and grabbed some chicken. We stopped by a store so I could get chicken and pineapples and a few other things the market didn't have. As we were walking we stopped at a corner. "This is my corner." Looking I saw a sign 'Black and Brave Wrestling Academy.'

"Wow Colby that's really pretty fucking cool

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"Wow Colby that's really pretty fucking cool. So I take it that's the other place you were talking about?" I asked looking over at a shop with empty windows.

"Yeah, be my own little block, my little piece of Dport."

"Do it." I said looking at him. I could see he wanted to but was a bit nervous, he needed a push.

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