Last Night

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I played with her hair as we watched a movie, her bare skin resting on mine. I wanted to date her but I wasn't going to force it or rush her. I knew she had a past, hell she had kids and when I stopped to think of that it was kind of scary, if we ever got to that point would everyone accept it.

"Hey can I ask you something?"

"Like what?"

"You're past, I mean you got kids so they have a dad, just I guess I wonder what happened."

"Um that's a long story and not for now, can we just enjoy this."


"I'll tell you Colby, just not tonight, please." I nodded kissing her forehaed.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"You didn't just it's a long story." After we finished watching Age of Ultron she gave me a kissed and slowly got dressed. I grabbed her hand making her turn to me and handed her my hoodie.

"I can tell you're cold."

"Yeah but how can I explain you're hoodie." I sighed knowing she was right,  a hoodie with my wrestling school, when everyone didn't even think we got along would be hard to explain. I grabbed her face kissing her.

"I could really get used to this." I muttered against her lips.

"Used to what?"

"Kissing you."

"Well it'll be awhile with these schedules."

"We'll figure it out." I kissed her again before she left heading back to her room with Josh.

I texted her Monday letting her know I didn't have a match. I went to talk to her Wednsday when some guy answered her phone.

"Who is this?"

"I'm a friend of Lelani's."

"Yeah well don't call this phone again." I looked at the phone in shock and tried to text her a bit later but it didn't deliver. I wondered who that was.

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