Birth of a Star

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'Who. Stay here" I said and went and opened the door. Colby smiled at me as I moved letting him step in as he bent hugging me tightly. He pulled back placing a quick kiss to my lips before he stood up. "Flight go ok?"


"Mom." Nakoa said walking around the corner but stopping as he saw Colby. "Seth Rollins! Kea, Seth Rollins is here."

"Who." She said walking up. "Oh I know him he worked with uncle Joe."

"I heard I had a fan here." Colby said. Nakoa looked at me.

"Really mom."

"Yup I may have told my buddy here that some handsome little boy likes him."

"You're the best, thank you." He said hugging me.

"I also brought you some special merch, including this new shirt that hasn't hit yet." He said handing Nakoa a bag of stuff. "I also brought you something too little lady." He said giving a few things to Kea including a teddy bear and barbie doll.

"Thank you." They both said hugging him

'Is Seth your real name?" Kea asked looking up at him.

"No my real name is Colby."

"Colby." She paused thinking and then shook her head "I like Seth better." Colby chuckled.

"Mom can I wrestle on the trampoline with Colby? Please?"

"Sweetheart he just had a long-"

"I'd love to man, let me change into some shorts and you got it."

"Sweet!" Nakoa yelled running off to his room. I looked at Colby smiling.

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to." He said lightly touching my arm as my daughter eyed him "Got somewhere I can change real quick?"

"Um yeah there is a bathroom first door on the right." I said pointing down the hall. He grabbed his bag and walked down the hall.

"Momma, does he like you?" I looked down at my daughter

"What makes you say that?"

"Because he looks at you like Uncle Jon looks at auntie Trin, and you keep smiling funny." I chuckled looking at her.

"We are friends babygirl."

"You don't look at uncle Ali or Tevita like that or Dayvid."

"I don't think I look at any of them any special way."

"Well if he does date him, he's pretty cute."

"Aww does my princess have a crush."

"Shh mommy." She said blushing. I thought it was adorable that she didn't even like wrestling forreal and when her brother watched it never really paid attention, unless maybe she watched a match with me or her uncles. It also made me feel good that without knowing she had accepted me dating him, wanting me to. It was also funny that my 9 year old point blank called both Colby and I out, clearly seeing we were attracted to one another just from a small few minute interaction.

Kea and I sat in the backyard watching Colby and Nakoa wrestle around. Koa was having the time of his little life, and Colby for a guy who wasn't really into kids was actually doing really good. It wasn't surprising to me to see my 11 year old actually doing good, he def had talent. Considering the family he came from it wasn't surprising. After a few hours Colby and Nakoa got off the trampoline walking up to us, both sweaty. I handed them both water.

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