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"So Josh said something happened earlier." Jon said sitting down. Of course he already knew, Josh probably hit him up the minute he could.

"Jason wants me to get back with him." I said looking at both of them. Trin never really knew Jason but Kecia did and I saw her make an 'O' face.

"He what?" Jon asked mad. "After-"

"Pretty much."

"No wonder you looked uncomfortable, I never should have left you alone." Josh said.

"Is he coming tomorrow?"

"He's their dad Jon, I'm not the kind of person to not let him come to a party. We need to get along for their sake."

"I get that I just don't ' want you with him, after what he did I can't get with that."

"What happened?" Trin asked

"You heard the story about Uncle Eki taking the twins to Texas right?" Trin nodded. "Well when they left they told him they wouldn't leave without seeing me, so Eki brought them to the house I had with Jason. Jason was one of their best friends, growing up he played football with them and Joe, we all went to school together. Me and Jase ended up dating but when Eki showed up that night Jason had been drunk, we got into an argument because he came home drunk woke up the kids, smelled like a girl and had a hickey on his neck. So we got into a really heated argument and he hit me. Eki showed up and I had a few brusies and a busted lip. He flipped out and had Jon and Josh grab my shit literally Josh grabbed a backpack with 2 outfits, and nothing else and they got me out. Mom and aunty got the kids and I sent Jason divorce papers in the mail."

"Oh my god."

"Yeah, they all slowly, very slowly kind of got past it but the friendship the three of them had with Jason ended"

"The only person oblivious is dad." Josh said.


I was cleaning up the apartment having just dropped the kids off at mom and dad's when my phone started ringing.

"What's up bubby."

"I need you to come get me?"

"Jon what's wrong?" I asked, I could hear the tears in his voice.

"Just, I'll tell you, come get me."



"I'll be there in a hour." I got in my car trying to rush over to the apartment him and Trin shared. I pulled up seeing him in the parking lot sitting on the curb his bag next to him. As he saw me he stood placing his bag in the back seat before he got in. "Bubby what's wrong?"

"We got into it, we been engaged 2 years Lani 2 and she refuses to give me one thing, then tells me I should go find what I want elsewhere. I don't know what to do, she makes me feel like she don't want this Lani. Does she not want me no more." I put my arm on his shoulder as I drove back to my place. We got out and walked in, I got my brother a beer watching as he sat on the couch. I was really upset with my soon to be sister in law. We were close and really good friends but Jon was my brother, him Josh and I were basically like triplets.

"Jon she loves you I think she is just deflecting her worries and projecting them and taking it out on you."

"I get that but damn all I need is a date, we have not hardly made any plans in 2 years and the things we have done I have mostly had to initiate. I'm going to be there for her and I always will, she's more worried about this bullshit job that ain't gonna be forever."

"I know bubby just let her cool down for a few days, I promise it will be ok."

"Is it cool if-"

"You can always stay here, never ask you and Joshy have keys for a reason"

"Thank you."

"Always, what do you want for lunch?"

"I'm not really hungry right now but thank you."

"No problem, you wanna play a game or something."


I spent a good few hours playing games with him. He had calmed down a lot about the situation but I could tell he was still extremely hurt about the entire situation. I had decided to make him some dinner, bake some chicken in a banana leaf and make palusami which was spinach with corn beef cooked in coconut milk and maybe some rice and some fa'ausi which was a dessert made with coconut bread and a coconut caramel sauce. It was one of his favorite meals and it was different from what was usually cooked, Usually, we just ate Samoan food at cookouts or the holidays, but I wanted to do something special for him and cheer him up. While I was out I drove over to Trin's, she may be my friend but Jon was my brother and what she was doing was wrong. I knocked on her door and when she opened it she stopped looking at me with a tear-stained face.

"Hey Lani." She said stepping aside and letting me in.

"So talk to me, what the hell is going on?'

"Jon walked out on me, we got into it because of this stupid wedding."

"Why is it stupid, that's the person you are suppose to marry."

"I just I'm stressed, he wants all these answers, decisions, I'm 25 I'm scared. I feel like I have to marry him now, quit, have babies, its all overwhelming and when I saw I don't want to talk he keeps forcing it."

"Trin he just wants a date, he's not trying to force or rush you but you at least owe him your fiance a fucking date. You have been engaged 2 fucking years."

"Our schedule-"

"Fuck the schedule Trin, it is your wedding they would give you a day but you need to try instead of acting like you don't care. It's hurting him." I told her bluntly. "And telling him to go find someone else is fucking low Trin, you wrong. He is your fiance if you are scared talk to him but pushing him away and ignoring him and being mean is not it sis. You need to use these few days to really think." I gave her a hug and left, heading back to my place.

I celebrated my birthday quietly with my family. We kept it kind of small, just my parents, brothers, Joe. I really appreciated that he and his family his fiance Lina and their daughter Jojo came up from Tampa and that Josh had flown in with his family from Atlanta. I hated that we weren't all together like when we were kids but that was part of being an adult.

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