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I walked out still tasting his lips and mouth on mine and walked back smirking to the room I was sharing with Joe.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Eh the usual fucked with your friend."

"Jesus christ Lani you guys need to chill."

"Hey you said he wanted to talk to me and he's still breathing so I think it went good." Joe rolled his eyes as I got in bed and laid down. It felt nice to be with everyone for a few days, even though I knew I shouldn't get used to it.

@LelaniFatu my Joshy and my Bubby no words could ever compare to the love I have for you both my day ones since day one

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@LelaniFatu my Joshy and my Bubby no words could ever compare to the love I have for you both my day ones since day one. I'm grateful to have you as big brothers Happy birthday @uceyjucey @jonathanfatu

@uceyjucey I love you too tuafafine laitiiti
@jonathanfatu my beautiful little sis I love you too Pepe
@trinity_fatu awww you guys are so cute 🥰

I looked to my right as I stood in the ring the twins a few feet away from me. New titles were being debuted tonight, tag titles and a women's title.

"Lani, Lani,Lani." I smiled a blush creeping up my face as the crowd yelled my name. My brothers glancing at me smirking while Trin slightly nudged me. Getting backstage Caranno pulled us of to the side.

"Leilani I wanted to let you know management decided you are going to be the champion." I honestly think my jaw hit the floor.


"You are winning the title in a few weeks at Backlash." I felt arms around me and Trin hugging me. I could tell Nicole looked a bit angry but I was in shock. Getting to the room that night I sat with on the balcony.

"Uncle Eki I'm winning the title." I had tears in my eyes. I have never had an opprotunity like this in my life and somehow I knew he had something to do with it.

"tuafafine" I turned my head as I heard a voice and saw Jon

"I'm fine bubby just thinking."

"Bout what?"

"I'm going to be the women's champion, me."

"Yeah you are, I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." After he went in I called Colby.

"Hey pretty girl."

"Hi, how are you?"


"Colby I need you to watch Backlash."

"I will."


I sat in the back already nervous for my match. I was first and I was so scared. I jumped feeling a tap on my shoulder. Trin and my brothersJon kissing Trin. Him and Josh then bent down holding my hands.

"Look Lani, it'll be ok, you bout to go out there tear it down and get that title. You earned it." I nodded hugging them. My music hit and they gave me a fist bump before I went out.


She looked excited, happy but I knew inside she was having a damn panic attack. She had been so nervous about this. Her long hair was partially braided before hanging down. I watched her start fighting Alexa, her in shorts. In no time it came down to her and Naomi in the ring, something I knew she had wanted. For her she thought they were the best underlooked women on the roster.

"Here we go, Lelani and Naomi sister in laws, Naomi being the wife to Lelani's brother Jimmy." Lei gave her an arm drag back to back. Trin flipped her before pinning her but Lei bridged up out of it, both of them were flexible as hell. Lei went to flip her by her hair when Trin reversed it and started kicking her. Lei sent her out of the ring before climbing the rope but was cut off by Carmella hitting her. Carmella flipped her off the top rope and pinned her but Lei kicked out. Alexa got eliminated by a amazing move Trina and Nattie hit on her. Trin was really showcasing her talent and I hoped they worked out to let Lei as well, she had spent more time so far not in the match then in it. Trin tapped out from Nattie. Carmella eliminated Nikki. I saw Lei get back in the ring and Carmella smacking her repeatedly. She ducked before suplexing Mella three times. Carmella bent to grab her by the hair when Lei reached up grabbing her arm and getting her down flipping and getting her in a arm bar before Carmella tapped and the bell rung.

"Yes!" I yelled jumping up a smile on my face. I knew how bad she had wanted this and was so happy she had gotten it.

"Here is your winner and new Smackdown Women's Champion Leilani Uso" I saw her hold her hands to her mouth in shock as she started crying. The ref handed her the belt raising her hand. I saw the twins get in grabbing her in a hug.


I couldn't believe it, I really won. I was crying when I felt Jon and Josh hug me, making more tears come.

"You did it Lani!" I was in the middle of them Jon in front of me and Josh behind me as the hugged me, me crying into Jon's shirt. The pulled back lifting my arms again before picking me up. I looked at the crowd as they lifted me, everyone cheering, standing. They let me down as I walked around holding the title up and Charlie got in the ring. My brothers with their arms around me.

"Leilani congratulations on becoming the first ever Smackdown women's champion. Can you put into words how you're feeling right now?" I knew I probably still looked shocked, because I was.

'You deserve it! You deserve it! ' I was truly speechless, one of the twins squeezing my shoulder

"Thank you." I replied looking at the crowd. "Thank you is all I can say because it's been years, it's been miles, it's been struggles and you have believed in me every step of the way, so thank you. Thank you, it's because of each and every one of you cheering me on, every poster that you have.

Watching my brothers who were fighting for the tag titles. I liked the whole new vibe of them, I could already tell this was more comfortable for them. I was really upset that my brothers lost because I wanted them to win so bad, for all of us to be champs at the same time.them, more real.

Getting to the hotel I looked at my phone as a new message had come through

Congrats champ, I knew you could do it. The match was great.

Thanks, I'm honestly overwhelmed.

That's normal, especially the first time, enjoy it, take it in. You will never forget it.

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