Get Away

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I sighed getting off the phone with Vince. He wasn't too happy right now because the behind the scenes drama, and of course it got out on the dirtsheets. Apparently Lei had gotten into it with her brothers at Smackdown and it almost aired since they were filming reactions to Kofi. I hadn't heard from her but knowing some shit went down last night I wanted to check on her but I also didn't want to interrupt her time with her kids. I waited until later that night and called her and was about to hang up when there was an answer.

"Hello." It wasn't her but instead was her son.

"Sorry, is your mom there?"



"It's fine, she's in the bathroom and I heard her phone."

"That fine I was calling to check on her, I know she is spending time with you guys."

"It's fine, I think she would like to talk to you, you make her happy."

"She makes me happy too buddy."

"Good, because she needs that and she's had a bad day."

"Nakoa who are you talking to?" I smile hearing Lei in the background and bust out laughing at her son's response.

"Your boyfriend, I think I'll stick with Colby not really ready to say dad yet." He said laughing.

"Nakoa Edward Maalona." I heard what sounded like him dropping the phone and laughter as it faded and I heard her voice. "Colby."

"Hi beautiful." I said still laughing.

"It's not funny."

"Oh it was hilarious."

"Haha Lopez you two are real comedians."

"Thanks you, at least I made you smile. So I heard you have had a bad day." She sighed and I knew Nakoa was right, something had happened and it was bothering her.

"Day from hell but I'll get past it."

"Leilani, you can talk to me. You know that right? You don't always have to be so tough baby, I'm here for you."

"I know I, I'm just not trying to burden anyone with my shit."

"Im not just anyone Leilani, I'm the guy who loves you."

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me for loving you baby, I'm lucky."

"God you always know how to make me feel better."

"Good, now tell me what's going on pretty girl."

"So I took the kids to school today, normal. I get home and I got cars in my drive, My dad, Jon, Jason. So I go in and my dad, my ex and my twin brothers are here. I was surprised Josh didn't go home but we smarted off to each other about it and my dad told me it wasn't happening, that I wasn't going to keep seeing you and deserved and needed to be with Jason." I was kind of mad, it hurt her family didn't think I was good enough for her. "Like the guy who cheated and hit your only daughter, that's who she needs to be with, what kind of father does that, thinks like that and then said well you hit him. Yeah I smacked him because he came home drunk and had cheated, he deserved it but apparently that and harassing me about being together is ok. I was honestly shocked the twins defended me about it to be honest because they essentially hate me now but I got told I'm disgracing my family and turning my back on the family and making everyone look bad and I was going to stop being with you, even damn near shook me but I kinda told everyone to fuck off and I apologized to my brothers for keeping it and I walked out, locked myself in my bedroom listening to music until I had to get the kids only to show up and their dad had signed them out and picked them up 30 minutes before school. Oh and I got told I am a bad and neglectful mother and basically if I don't leave you Jason will take me to court saying I am a bad parent who is never around because work and running around with a guy who has his dick all over the internet."

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