Miss You

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Uncle Eki was really special to us, he saved our lives

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Uncle Eki was really special to us, he saved our lives. I thank him and my brothers' every day. Eki took them in the middle of the night to go to Houston, my brothers determined not to leave without saying bye to me demanded the chance to stop by my place and say bye. When Eki knocked on the door and I opened it with a black eye and busted lip he made me pack my bags, told the twins to get me in the car, called his wife and my mom to get the kids and threatened my drunk as hell now ex-husband. My brothers wanted to beat his ass, even though they had always been friends with Jason he crossed a line and since the relationship between him and my family was strained.

"You ready for tonight?"

"Yeah, gonna be a hell of a match."


I sat watching as Jon painted Josh's face for him.

Jon always did both of their paint jobs usually if I helped it was just doing the outline

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Jon always did both of their paint jobs usually if I helped it was just doing the outline. Art was never my area or Josh's but Jon was good at it. I had on a shirt of theirs cut up to be more feminine and a pair of shorts that were short but matched the color of theirs.

I watched the monitor in gorilla as the music of my cousin and his friends hit. All three of them had titles, Joe sharing the tag title with two tones. Christian walked out and I grabbed my brothers hands saying a small prayer. I let them go as their music hit and the three of us walked out. I had on their merch shirt. I winked at my cousin who gave a small smirk on the seriousness of his face. He started the match with Josh.

The Shield were totally dominating in this match. I was surprised when Christan picked up the win. I helped up my brothers as them and Chris celebrated, the Shield looking pissed and shocked. We got backstage and I decided to wait for my cousin as my brothers went to the locker room. I finally saw my cousin and walked up hugging him.

"Good match."

"Thank you."

"Hey when we get to the next city we're going to the gym wanna come with us?" I looked at Colby kind of shocked he was speaking to me. We never really talked honestly.

"Momma." I smiled seeing the faces of my children. I hated I was away so much. This amazing job and the life I was able to provide them came at a huge cost which was being gone most of the time . Missing games, time. There were times I felt like a shitty parent but my kids always made it better.

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