Pretty Face

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I gave her time until I knew she'd be back and then made my way to her room. My suit traded in for a pair of sweats and a shirt from my school. I found her room knocking on the door, I stood there for awhile and contemplated leaving thinking she had went to the after party.

"Hold on!" I heard her voice before she opened the door a crack. "Colby?" She said shocked, her face turning red.

"Hi." I said nervously. "I hope I'm not bothering you"

"I was in the bath."


"Um here hold the door count to thirty and come in." She let go of the door when my hand was on it and I could hear her run. I gave her a bit before I opened the door stepping into the room. There was a sitting area which was good and I took a seat. She came out from the bedroom a few minutes later, brushing her wet hair. She had on pajamas pants and I thin long sleeve shirt.

"Your match was amazing." I said as she stopped looking at me.

"You just saying that?"

"No, I'm really not."

"Thank you."

"No problem, you're the man well woman." I said chuckling.

"You are pretty strong coming to it, I know it had to be hard, close yet so far away."

"It was, I couldn't handle it anymore."

"How much longer do you have?"

"Hopefully just a couple more months."

"That's good."

"Yeah so what's next for you, have they said."

"Back to being my brother's valet"

"Your joking right?"

"I wish, I'm nothing but a pretty face."

"You're not, just keep trying. I mean your face is pretty but you got real talent." I grabbed her face kissing her. I pulled her against me my hands in her hair messing up the braid she had made. I groaned as she bit my lip and I ran my hand on her smooth skin on her back, my hand under her shirt. She pulled back trying to breathe.

"I can't"

"Can't what?"

"Whatever this is."


"Colby you're hurt."

"I am well enough to work out, I can do more I won't get hurt." I leaned towards her when her hand on my chest stopped me. I could see the hesitation in her eyes, the fight she was having. I had been having the same one, should I make a move on her, the family of one of my best friends. I didn't want her uncomfortable so I let it be pulling her in my arms and watching some tv.

I left Texas after Raw and headed back to Florida, to train and get better. I watched the shows, seeing how everyone was doing and saw her really not work the following couple weeks aside from a 8 woman tag. I could see the frustration on her, she worked her ass off and it didn't go anywhere. I saw Joe in the back Lani and the twins walking in, she had a tattoo on her arm as well and her side. They fist bumped Joe, Lei giving him a hug before they left. Finally a week later she had a singles match, finally, it had been a month since Mania. I smiled hearing the crowd be so behind her. The work she was doing was paying off, she was winning them over because they could see the work, the talent. I sighed as she lost and I could see the defeat in her face.


I stood at the ring with my brothers and cousin, They were having a tag match together, I had on a merch shirt of my brothers. I didn't even have my own shirt. I spent the next few weeks being a valet. Since Mania I had a total of two singles matches and one tag, 2 months.

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