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It felt so nice to get away for a few days, leave the bullshit and drama behind. I missed the kids and Colby had actually surprised me by suggesting for a few days during summer bringing them here and seeing how they liked it, and he said Koa could test the ring at the school out. It felt nice, being with Colby was as easy as breathing. We liked a lot of the same stuff, he was great to talk to or with, I could ask him about stuff and learn from him. We had lunch with his mom and it was nice, she was so sweet and it meant a lot having her support.

"They will come around, just give them some time and it will work out. You are an amazing woman and my son is lucky to have you. Your family will come around when they realize how happy he makes you."

"Thank you, that really means a lot." After dinner at his parent's we went back to his house and walked the dog around his neighborhood. We had a flight to catch tomorrow for Raw and had to go to Boston. I was thankful that Hunter had spoke to Vince who easily agreed and had me strictly on Raw until Mania, giving my brothers and I a break from one another. I feel asleep on the plane with my head on Colby's shoulders. We got to the arena and I saw I had first match doing a beat the clock with Ronda and Ash and I was last

I had my fight with Liv but Charlotte kicked me before hand and as soon as the bell rung Liv went in on me. She was a pretty good kid, really talented and I liked her style, all three of them honestly. I was able to pin her and looked up to see I still had 8 seconds left on the clock.

"The winner of the beat the clock challenge Leilani Uso!" I could see the bitch was pissed off I had beat her time and I loved it. Getting to the back I got some water and ignored Ronda who was still pissy I had won. I passed Joe who looked at me.

"Nice match kid."

"I am not a kid I am the man."

"Yeah, you are."

"Be safe tonight ok."

"I will." He kissed my head before heading for his match. I knew he was mad Drew had brought Lina and the kids into it, even calling him Joe instead of Roman, but Joe went with it knowing Drew was only following what the brass had wanted.

"Roman accepts your challenge, but listen carefully because what I am saying next isn't coming from Roman, don't ever talk about my wife and kids." He then punched Drew and they started fighting. Drew gave him a low blow to use to his advantage to take  cheap shots at my cousin. When he came to the back I looked at him.

"You good?"

"Yeah, just not really into it, I mean on one hand I like bringing a bit more me into it but I also don't."

"I think it makes your character more authentic, it's nice for everyone else to see a bit of the Joe we get all the time."

"Thanks." I sat in the back not doing much until I knew it was Colby's segment. I had already changed and packed my stuff. I was thinking of asking if he wanted to spend the next week after Raw in Florida with me, it was almost Mania but I knew the week of was axxess and press and go go go. I wasn't going to really see him much. I watched as he chased down Paulie looking down at him as he fell.

"Paul you got it all wrong I'm not asking for thoughts and prayers, I'm here to answer them because we are going to wrestlemania, we are going to beat Brock Lesnar, we are going to take the universal title and we are going to march into suplex city and we are gonna." He held his mic up and the crowd came alive to finish his sentence.

'Burn it down!' As we walked backstage I wasn't far off from gorilla and he smiled seeing me.

"That was pretty good."

"Trying to keep up with you."

"Hey I got a question."


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