Hit the Fan

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Colby and I had managed for another month to stay under the radar. But little did we know, I came to town early to spend a day with him. I had hardly seen him lately because of work, family. The Shield had gotten back together which made being alone hard with Joe. I rode with them all since they were riding together again, being in the back with Joe or up front with Colby who apparently had always been the driver between them. I woke up out of a good sleep with Colby gasping, a pain ripped through my midsection as I groaned. I knew immediately what it was, and felt stupid for letting it slip my mind.

"You ok?" I ignored Coly and his tired worried voice as I woke him up. I got up grabbing what I needed from my bag. I did my bathroom business and went to get my medicine and saw it was empty. I laid down knowing it wasn't going to be good. "Leilani."

"I'm fine." I gritted out to Colby lying back down. After a few minutes he sat up turning the light on as I curled in a ball.

"No you aren't what's wrong."

"It's normal lets sleep." I was tense but felt Colby finally fall back asleep. I was trying to breathe as I felt my cramps get worse.


When I woke back up I saw my girlfriend curled in a fetal position. I could tell she was in pain. I was worried earlier but now I was really worried.

"Baby what's wrong."

"I- ahh." She cringe hands wrapping around her midsection.

"Ok I'm calling an ambulance."

"No! No ambulance, call Jon." She cried out. I trusted her so I grabbed her phone calling Jon.

"Hey Lani, where you at."


"Colby? What the fuck-"

"I need you to get to room 917 now." I said cutting him off.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Lei, just get here please." I waited bending to rub her head. It killed me seeing her in pain. It wasn't something I was used to. "Jon is coming ok."

'Thanks. I'm sorry."

"I'm worried about you."

"It's ok, it's normal, you just have never been around for it." A knock sounded on the door and I opened it seeing her brothers there.

As soon as he saw her he glared at me before looking at Josh

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As soon as he saw her he glared at me before looking at Josh.

"Go, get her meds from my bag and a heating pad and bring them then tell Trin to run somewhere and get her some chocolate." He bent down holding a hand to her stomach. "Where are your meds?"

"Gone, I didn't realize the date and didn't bring them from home." He looked her over seeing her in my shirt and a pair of underwear, seeing as I had only slipped on basketball shorts I think everything was obvious. Joe came back with Josh and I saw him look between us before his face turned red, I knew he was upset. Josh gave Jon a bottle and he gave her a couple as well as plugged in a heating pad and placed it on her. He then stood up glaring at me.

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