Jail Bird

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A few days later I groggily woke up hearing my phone ringing non-stop. I finally answered and was shocked.

"You have a collect call from an inmate at Escambia County correctional facility Jon" I heard my brothers voice "Do you accept."

"Yes." The call transferred allowing my brother to be put through. "Jon what the fuck"

"I don't wanna call Trin and wake the kids, um can you come get me?"

"What happened, you sound fucked up."

"I got a DUI."

"Again? Jon you just had one a few months ago."

"Can you come get me Lani." I groaned sitting up

"I'll be there soon." I hung up getting dressed as Colby moved around

"Where are you going?" He groggily asked

"My brother is sitting in jail with a DUI, I'm going to bail his ass out and take him home."

"Which one?"

"Jon, go back to sleep." I grabbed my keys and got in the car, annoyed I saw it was 3am. I made the drive to the county jail and walked in as the officer on duty looked at me.

"Can I help you."

"Here to bail out my brother. Jonathan Fatu date of birth 8/22/85."

"One second." He typed on the computer for a few minutes before looking up at me. "Bail is 10 percent of the bond and is 1000 dollars."

"Take cards still?"

"Yeah." I handed him my card and signed some papers. "He should be out within the next hour."

"Thank you." I sat down and about 40 minutes later my intoxicated brother walked out. I could see it in his eyes he was drunk. I hugged him and pulled his drunk ass out the doors to my car. "Fucking idiot, y'all are getting pushed you realize you could have fucked that up right, this is back to back fucking DUI's Jon, they could release you, we aint kids no more man."

"I know Lani."

"No dumbass I don't think you do. You wanna end up like Eki and leave the family behind? Trin, Jayla, Jaiden, me, Josh."

"No Lani and I don't do drugs."

"Jon drinking can kill you just as much as drugs, bubby you are my best friend and my big brother I don't wanna lose you."

"You wont."

"Call Trin you are sleeping on my couch and I'll take you home in the morning." I sighed using my phone instead as it went thru my car speakers.

"Hello." A sleepy Trin said.

"Trin, wake up."


"Yeah Trin."

"What's up?"

"Jon is coming to my house."

"He ok?"

"Well I just picked his ass up from jail, he has a DUI."

"Shit. Jon."

"Trin I'm ok, and sis I'll pay you back."

"Lani, thank you, I'll come get him in the morning."

"Got it sis, I'll have breakfast waiting for you." Getting home I woke him up before helping him in the house. I got him to the couch as he took off his shoes before I walked in my kitchen getting him some water and headache pills. "Sit up and take this Jon." He took the water and advil before laying down. I got him a extra pillow and blanket handing it to him, he had taken his pants and shirt off as he took the pillow. "Want a pair of shorts?"

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