What Do We Do

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I sprayed some perfume on the elevator to cover up any smell there may have been since I didn't get to shower. I saw Jon but his back was turned to me so I snuck over to the coffee shop in the lobby and grabbed a cup. I then walked up to my brother tapping his shoulder as he turned around.

"Where's Colby?"

"I don't know I aint the fools keeper, he said meet him here and I'm here."

"Where was you last night."

"Just went exploring."

"In the middle of the night?"

"I got bored Jon, damn."

"You need to be careful Lani, anything could have happened to you."

"Yes father."

"Hey guys." I turned looking at Colby.

"Bout time slow poke." I said looking at him.

"It's too early for that crap." We went to the gym working out. I saw Colby glancing at me occasionally but couldn't read the look in his eyes. A bit later Jon stepped off as he got a call from Carrano. I sat down taking a water break looking at Colby as he sat by me. "Did you catch shit?"

"No, not really. Just told him I went out exploring and he bitched at me for going out the middle of the night alone, that anything can happen to me."

"I mean he has a point, you shouldn't do that, never know what kind of crazy person may attack you." He said smirking. I chuckled shaking my head before Jon walked back up.

"What you hear?" I asked looking at him.

"We turning heel."

"We are?"

"Yeah and you are doing more solo stuff, but you can still rock our gear."

"So when does this happen?"

"Not for a few months." I nodded as we finished out workout. getting to the arena tonight they called everyone for a meeting so we all sat. Me with my family and Colby a few seats over.

"So we are going to have a draft next week." I glanced over at Colby before looking at my cousins. That night I snuck away when Josh fell asleep to the room Colby had.

"So what are we going to do?"

"What do you want to do?" He asked

"I don't know, I don't even know what this is." I motioned between us. Since the night we fucked we had barley been alone just looks here and there and a secret kiss or two when no one was looking.

"What do you want this to be?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'm confused. I can't stand you but like you and I don't know I feel different with you."

"Then date me."


"You heard me, date me Leilani."

"Why, what, how, I can't" My rambling was cut off by his soft lips. "You know I hate when you do that."

"What kiss you."

"No cut my rambling off with it I was very content with-" He cut me off again with a kiss. "Mmm." I moaned in his mouth as he pulled me into his lap I pulled back. "Colby we need to talk."

"Ok if we get drafted to the same brand it probably makes things easier, especially if your family is on the other show."

"And if not, if we are on different brands, then what."

"Cross that bridge when it gets there, but really not much we can do if it happens. But I really do like you Leilani and I don't know when and how it switched from me not being able to stand you to not getting you off my mind but it did and I'm willing to try this if you want."

"You know if we do this it's basically long distance, you live in Iowa I live in Florida, you have a buisness and I have kids, what if we only really see each other once a month for a pay per view, then what."

"Does that mean your my girlfriend?"

"I don't know."

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