On the Road

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We walked in Colby's school and I watched Koa as his face lit up.

"So um this is my wrestling school."

"Wow this is awesome!" Colby showed them both around and where he had replicas of his championships hanging on the wall.

"Care if I let him in?" He asked looking at me tilting his head to the ring.

"Be careful with him."

"Promise." He and Koa got in the ring as I sat with Kea and we watched them for a bit before I took her next door and grabbed her a smoothie.

"This is Colby's too?"

"Yeah he owns this too."

"This is so cool. It's pretty cool here mom, do they get snow?"

"Yea they get snow here, it gets cold."

"Wow, that's cool." We went back next door and after a bit longer Colby and Nakoa were done. Koa had done pretty good I also saw a thicker mat out indicating Colby let him do moves off the ropes.

"Baby he is really damn talented."

"Yeah mom I can do a moonsault, can I show her?"

"Sure man." Koa climbed up the ropes and flipped off as I held my breath but he landed it perfect.

"Good job sweetheart."

"Thank you, Thanks Colby this was awesome."

"You're welcome." Colby said smiling at him. We left taking a walk that was about 5 minutes or so to a pizza place and got an early dinner. We got a couple of pizzas and what we didn't eat we tossed in a box and took it back to the house. We stopped by the store on the way home and they picked out stuff for their rooms and Colby bought a video game Koa wanted and a toy for Kea. The kids took turns taking showers as did we and doing their night routines before we watched a movie. Once they fell asleep we took them to bed and Colby and I went to bed too.

"Thank you for today they really enjoyed it."

"I'm glad they did." I leaned over kissing him and after a few minutes he pulled back. I knew he was still sore. Colby rented us a nice ass bus and we got a driver and packed up and loaded up the bus. We had gotten food and snacks and made the drive, it took forever it was a 27 hr drive and that was without any needed stops like gas and things like that. We also stopped at a couple of rest stops on the trip taking pictures. My kids had never road tripped like this and making these memories with them was nice. I sighed as my phone rang again for what felt like the hundredth time today. The kids were now in their bunks and I was in bed with Colby in the back.

"Is it him?"


"Answer it." I looked at Colby before answering the phone.

"Yeah Jason."

"What the fuck do you think you are doing! Where the fuck are my kids! They are not traveling around with you and that asshat you call a boyfriend!"

"It's summer you were informed well in advance of this. Do I really need to get a lawyer involved because it's just going to cause issues for you. I am allowed to see them and them being with me is not putting them in harm's way. You don't have to be an asshole to me just because I am not willing to be with you and that I found someone to make me happy."

"I don't want him around our kids Leilani."

"Jason Colby is in my life and isn't going anywhere anytime soon he's going to be in their lives so you got to get your head out of your ass and get over it. They are safe, they are in bed right now but I can see if they are still awake if you would like to speak to them, otherwise our conversation is over." I was met with a dial tone and sighed tossing the phone.

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