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I kept thinking about Leilani. It was kind of pissing me off, I could hardly stand her, she was cool, but had such an attitude yet I could not get her out of my fucking mind. I was engaged and thinking about someone else, someone I could hardly be in a room with, someone that after 20 minutes tops I wanted to body slam.


I smiled taking in the sun as it hit my skin, I was in Hawaii. I loved it here, I still had a home here. We were here for my brother's wedding. Trin finally got off her ass after I spoke with her and told him her fears, they talked it out made plans and now here I was. I was shocked Trin had asked Jon and actually got him to ask dad to come to the wedding. Part of me, I knew he wouldn't come, dad was super traditional and as much as Jon wanted to deny it dad didn't approve of her because she wasn't Samoan.

Sure enough dad called Jon and told him something had come up last minute, he had some last minute appearance to do which we all knew was bullshit. I could tell my brother was really hurt. Our dad had missed so much of our lives with him always being on the road that although we were used to him not being around it still hurt. Especially something like one of us getting married you want your family there so I knew it was hurting him.

"You need to tell Trin."


"You just have to say it, want me and Josh to come with you, we can walk down the beach and talk." He nodded and I hugged him, it was hard sometimes to deal with the cameras being around since he and Trin were on the Total Divas show. We sat down and Trin wrapped her arm around his laying her head on his shoulder. Jon was playing with his lei nervously.

 Jon was playing with his lei nervously

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"He ain't coming."

"He's not?" Trin asked shocked. I knew it had meant a lot for him to be there. "Is it because of me?" It broke my heart my amazingly sweet sister was worried and hurt about my dad not accepting her but I knew Jon would never tell her that the color of her skin was why our dad was doing this. It broke my heart that my dad was like that, be friends with everyone don't see race, we were taught how bad racism was, hell we had experienced it but yet when it came to who you dated and spent your life with it could only be someone that was in our culture.

"He has a last minute appearance." Josh glanced at me and we shared that look, the we knew the truth look and the hurt our brother was feeling we felt too. "You know he should be here, he's missing out. Out of all his sons I'm the first one to get married. He, he's supposed to be here but he ain't." He sniffled and Trin looked at me.

"Let me just say something if he ain't here I mean we are." Josh said speaking of me and himself. "I'm so happy for you guys, especially you Jon. You my twin man." I rubbed my brothers arm as he cried. "Like my whole life has been with you, you know? My whole life has been with you. The first time I came down to Tampa and I saw you two together I automatically knew. You love each other man. Lani saw it too. Pops ain't here, but he, he ain't gonna stop this.  You got everybody in that house that loves you guys."

"That means a lot to me coming from you because I know how much you love this one, how much you both do."

"I love you too."

"I love you back." She said smiling at Josh before looking at me. "And I love you too Lani."

"I love you too, and Bubby Joshy's right dad may not be here but we are, our brothers are, mom is and even if he isn't we got you and always will and I love you both so much. I'm so happy to see you find your soulmate, both of you." Jon smiled at me and reached over grabbing my hand running his thumb across my hand.

"Your ass is in the family now." Josh said his hand on my shoulder.

"I know man. You guys made me feel better."

"Yea, I love you, both of you." Jon said.

"Love you too." I responded along with Josh. "So you guys ready for tomorrow?"

"I been ready." Jon replied as we laughed.

"Lani, thank you."

"For what?" I asked looking at Trin

"For everything, you really knocked some sense into me, thank you."

"What y'all talking about?" Jon asked.


After a bit more fun I went to go to bed but someone knocked on my bedroom door. Opening it it was Jon. I let him into the room and he sat on the bed patting the spot next to him.

"What's up?" I asked sitting down.

"Trin told me what you did, when we had our fight."


"Thank you."

"Boy you know I always got your back, you're my big brother, I love you."

"I love you too. Real talk though you mean the world to me, I know Josh is my best man but you're the best woman. You basically the other half of both of us and I know I don't tell you enough but I love you so much. You are my best friend and my sister, you are always there for me and I'm so proud of you. You are a great mother and people may not see it but you are so damn talented. It really means the world to me that you are here."

"I wouldn't be anywhere else. No go get some rest you gotta big day tomorrow."

"Start the rest of my life huh."

"Yeah, but unlike me it will work out and last."

"Do you miss it, Jase?"

"Sometimes but it wasn't worth the bullshit. I see the way you treat Trin, Josh treats Kecia, Joe and Lina and I didn't have that. I can see they are first for all of you and with Jase it felt like I was always behind something else."

"You'll find your happiness," Jon said kissing my head before leaving. The kids were already in bed fast asleep. I spent some time just watching them sleep, the innocence. I could never thank god enough that I had them, they really saved me.

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