Fuck You

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I watched her every week. I watched Smackdown hoping to see her. I couldn't wait until tomorrow, we had Summerslam so I would be able to see her. Be able to ask what had happened, why she blocked me and wouldn't speak to me, who the guy was that answered her phone. I had so many questions. Last I knew we were going to try whatever this was we are or were. Then the next I know some random guy is answering the phone telling me she ain't interested and then she blocks me only to send me some random text here and there knowing I can't respond I was so confused. Getting to the arena I looked at the board seeing she had a match with Naomi and Mella against Nikki, Nattie and Alexa. I had a match right after against Finn. I walked into the guys locker room placing my stuff up but didn't see the twins so I figured she wasn't here.

I grabbed some food from catering when I saw the twins and knew Lei was here. I saw her grab some coffee before she saw me rolled her eyes and left. I got up tossing my plate as I followed her grabbing her arm and pulling her down a empty hall. She jerked away from me slapping me, the force turning my head.

"I just wanna talk."

"Oh now you wanna talk? I don't wanna talk to you, I spent weeks and weeks trying and you didn't respond so leave me the hell alone"

"I can't respond when you fucking block me."

"I didn't block you, you are so full of shit, just leave me alone you got in my pants and got what you wanted so fuck off!"

"You really think that's all I wanted. What the fuck. We talked about trying this out, us and you leave some guy answers your shit telling me you aren't interested and leave you alone and then I am blocked. If you had someone else why mess with me, you always get on my ass for what I did when you are the same!" She smacked me again, this time harder.

"What the fuck are you talking about I don't-"

"Aye what's going on!" I looked up over her shoulder as I saw her brother Jon as well as Joe.

"Nothing this stupid asshole gets on my nerves." She said glaring at me.

"Yeah and you get on mine too, it's always someone else right." I was so livid right now, I was more confused didn't get the answers I was needing and now here family was here.

"You know what Colby fuck you!" She yelled pushing past her brother and cousin and stomping off. I stood there running my hand down my face.

"What the fuck did you do to my sister Colby." Jon asked and I knew he was pissed off. Even Joe looked a bit mad but he was able to keep it together a bit better. They were really defensive of her and from what both Lei and Joe had said always had been since she was the only girl.

"Not now." I went to leave and he stopped me. "Jon man move."

"No, you did something to her and I want to know what it is."

"Uce calm down." Joe said putting a hand on him before he looked at me. "Colby what happened?"

"She's rude I try to be nice and get along with her and she always has to be a pain in the ass I simply tried to talk to her and she smacked me, twice."

"She wouldn't hit you for nothing." Jon said starting to get mad.

"Uce." Joe said making him stop. Joe looked at me nodding.

"The first I probably deserved I grabbed her arm and pulled her in the hall the second I said something to make her mad."

"What was it."

"I called her on her shit and she didn't like it." I walked off going to the locker room.

I knew she probably roomed with one of her family members so I couldn't go talk to her later. Unless I could get her to agree to come meet me. I watched her match from gorilla as I waited for mine which was after. I tried to talk to her before she went out and she looked so pissed off but it changed the minute she walked through the curtain. I had asked if we could talk later and she ignored me but the minute the camera hit she was smiles. I really did always enjoy watching her, she was really good and her and Trin made a good team. She got tagged back in and was cleaning house. I knew she was probably hapy Nikki was back I think they were friends but I didn't know I mostly only saw her with her brothers and Joe and as far as females still family with Trin and Sarona but also Charlotte and Sasha. Nikki ended up pinning Carmella and winning the match and I could see the frustration on Leilani's face. I watched as she came through the curtain, clearly frustrated.

"Good match." She paused looking up at me as I handed her a water. She hesitantly looked at it before jerking it out of my hand.

"Thank you."

"Can we talk."

"Room." She said rolling her eyes.

"844." She nodded and I was glad we were to where no one could see us.

"Good luck." she said walking off. My music hit and I jogged back around the corner heading out. I had a match with Finn for the Universal title and I wasn't going over but I knew the shit was going to be good.

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