Bday fun

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I roamed the halls seeing my sister sitting on a crate, her eyes closed and pain on her face.

"You ok?"


"What's up?"

"I need chocolate."

"I'll get some as soon as we leave." I knew what that meant, since we were kids she always had the worst periods, sometimes she couldn't hardly get out of bed she'd be in so much pain. It was something that after so many years Josh and I were used to.

"Anything else on your mind?"

"What, Trin run to you?"

"Um actually I haven't seen her, why?" I said covering it up.

"Just got stuff on my mind."

"Come  on Lan I'm your big brother."

"Just a few things Jon, I promise I am ok."

"What happen Jason do something."

"No, yeah shit Jon." I chuckled looking at her.

"What happened." I saw her get stiff and got heated. "What he do Leilani?"

"Nothing just started shit the other day with the kids, told me I'm not a mom need to get a real job be with him again, tried kissing all up on me, grabbed my arm."

"Ima beat his-"

"Ali and Tevita already handled it."

"Good, anything else on your mind? Usually Jase doesn't got you stressed like this."

"Its just getting to me, all the history and there was this guy I was kinda feeling."

"Who, when?"

"No one, doesn't matter anyway."


"Well he won't talk to me know so apparently I wasn't good enough or some shit"

"Why you say that?"

"Because men now days act like teenagers, get ass and bounce."

"Wait you fucked this dude."

"I mean I'm almost 30 so yeah I got some dick Jon."

"So he hit it and bounced?"

"I guess, I mean it wouldn't have bothered me if he woulda just been up front about it but I was honestly very stupidly starting to really like him. I knew better."

"What makes you say that"

"Because I knew not to open up and start catching feelings for someone."

"Who is it and I'll beat him up."


I giggled hugging my brother who tightly wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you bubby."

"You know if any guy can't see how amazing you are then they don't deserve you but don't let anyone make you feel down, they aren't worth it."

"Why can't I find guys like you guys."

"One of a kind sis."

I sat on the bus scared as hell. Trin had gotten a bus for us all and my brothers were up front driving an I didn't trust either of them with a bus especially Jon. There were 13 of us, Trin, Jon, Jaiden, Jayla, Josh and Kecia, Jeyce and Jacyiah, Trins dad and then me Nakoa and Kea. I was surprised honestly that Jon wasn't doing to bad but was complaining. The air broke so it was hot but we had the windows open but he was already complaining. We were going to camp and the place had rafting and all kinds of stuff. It was something she decided to do for bonding and family time and right now I wouldn't admit it but after Colby ghosting me family time was what I needed. A getaway with the kids. I loved outdoors but it wasn't something we got to do a lot like my family never did this growing up and I wished we had but I quickly learned my brother was half able to handle this. Getting to the campground we sprayed with bugspray and I saw Jon and Josh complaining about the fire pit to cook. I walked up hearing them say we couldn't use it.

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