Crossfit Jesus

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I walked into the gym, my brothers refusing to come and Jon specifically saying Trin wasn't either she had long plans; I shuddered at my brothers' terrible lewd innuendo. Walking in I spotted Joe with Dean and two tones. I walked up pushing Joe causing him to turn around and look at me.

 I walked up pushing Joe causing him to turn around and look at me

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"Hey Lani, what's up?"

"Not much came to work out."

"You do CrossFit?" I turned looking at Colby

"Yes two tone 'I do CrossFit'" I said mocking him. "Probably better than you."

"Shit." Joe muttered

"Be careful there princess that's CrossFit Jesus over there." Dean said, I shrugged not caring.

"Wanna test that theory." Colby stated looking at me

"You're on, let me stretch." I said walking around him


I watched as she took off her hoodie, a intricate tribal design running down her side with a tropical flower. She may be a bitch but she was gorgeous. I watched as she quickly stretched walking up to me.

"So what's it gonna be two tone." I sighed as she referred to me by that annoying name.

"My name is Colby."

"I know Pepe." I groaned getting annoyed with her and decided to make it kind of hard, doing everything from burpees, to box jumps, weights and more. I was sure she wouldn't make it through all the sets.


I could feel my muscles burning, but I was keeping up with him, and I could see the shock he was trying to mask

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I could feel my muscles burning, but I was keeping up with him, and I could see the shock he was trying to mask. Joe and Dean were done and Colby was shocked I was keeping up, once we finally got done, I showed off by going and doing the salmon ladder but with each rung I went up I did 5 muscle ups with it. Once I got through I laid on the ground taking some deep breathes. I felt a nudge and saw Joe with a water, I took it chugging half.

"Done with that competition?"

"Shut him up though didn't I." He shook his head helping me up.

"You're really good, anytime you wanna work out you're welcome to join." I nodded at Colby.

"Thanks." I said looking to my cousin. "Can I get a ride back?"

"How did you get here?"


"10 miles!" Joe said loudly.

"I mean yeah, my brother has the car keys and was too worried about fucking his fiancé."

"Yeah, come on." I followed them out hopping in the front, I watched Colby wearily as he climbed in the driver's seat.

"Can you drive?"

"Yes smartass, I always drive."

"Ok, care if I play some music."

"You're fine."

"Lani." Joe groaned. "I don't wanna hear that shit right now."

"Oh, come on uce, one song, then I'll play something you like."

"Fine." Joe groaned as I played a song I liked and Colby scared me hitting the breaks rather harshly.

"What the fuck!" I yelled looking at Colby who was watching me shocked.

"You like Bring me The Horizon?"

"Yeah I do. Sleepwalking is my favorite song by them but shit did you have to try and kill me; lying ass said you could drive."

"Hey! Can you argue and bond over music later because I'm hungry."

"Shut up Ambrose." Colby said driving. We both kind of sung along with the song and I kept seeing him glance at me. Getting to the hotel I went to my room taking a shower. Josh was talking on the phone to Takecia and the kids. After my shower I laid down and before I knew it I was being shaken awake by Josh. I usually always roomed with him or Joe as Jon was always with Trin.

"Come on sis, we gotta go I already got everything down to the car." I groaned letting him help me up as we walked out. "So I hear you gave CrossFit Jesus a run for his money."

"Yeah, and I'm exhausted."

"Next time get a ride, don't wear yourself out Lani."

"Why, not like I'm being utilized. Trin and I are the two most talented women on this roster and we are reduced to what a couple valets, no offense I love you guys but I can wrestle and I'm really good."

"I know, and you will get that shot. Like Eki always told us your time will come."

"Thank you." I said hugging him.

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