Valentine's Date

364 14 1

Getting to the airport there were fans and it annoyed me. I could handle fans anywhere else, except when I was out with my family or at the airport or hotel. It was a bit stalkerish. I got asked where my brothers were, some guy got too close to me, and we both were questioned on why we were together. Getting to the arena we walked in and went our separate ways. The locker room door opened and Steph poked her head in.

"Leilani can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I stood walking with her. "Everything ok?"

"Yeah, we are up first tonight just wanted to let you know and wanted to check on your knee."

"It's doing good, being trying to keep it light when working out and the doc gave me stuff to do at home to help it. He checked it and said I'm doing good."

"Good." We happened to walk by Colby who smiled and nodded at us. When I turned back to Steph she was looking at me with a smirk.


"Paul was right then."

"What are you talking about?"

"He said you guys liked one another, that there was something there, and I just saw it."

"We are friends."

"Yeah, ok. you realize I was in those same shoes right."

"What shoes."

"The whole secret relationship."

"Who said I was-"

"Leilani sweetheart, that look he just gave you was more than a friend saying hi, his eyes gave it all away. Besides Paul already told me you guys were together."


"Leilani don't worry Paul and I aren't saying anything. When you two are ready you can share that. I been there, I know especially with family its hard. So how is Joe?"

"He's doing good, I miss him."

"We all do, see you in a bit." In the ring Steph was talking about how I had to see a doctor and get cleared or I was suspended. I was refusing and I was telling her I would not be responsible for what I would do if she kept saying it.

"That night you invaded Raw and Nia Jax busted your face, I was with you in the trainer's room, your nose was broken you were severely concussed, you were bleeding everywhere but all you wanted to do was fight. I have never seen anything like it from a man, from a woman, you are so incredibly tough and have all the heart in the world, but I cannot let you compete if the medical staff don't let you."

"Steph I suggest you stop, if you say it again I won't be responsible for my actions."

"Will you see a doctor." I shook my head no and she sighed. "Then Leilani you leave me no choice, until you do as of this moment Leilani Uso you are suspended from WWE." She turned to walk away and I grabbed her punching her and knocking her to the ground.

I tried to get her in an armbar but staff from the back came back and tweaked my knee pulling me from her. Me limping gave them time to get her out of the ring and away from me. I was led to the back and Steph was still standing in gorilla. "That was really good sweetie." They had me 'led' from the arena and I ran into Ronda.

" They had me 'led' from the arena and I ran into Ronda

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