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"Who are you talking to?" I asked walking in the kitchen as Jason put a phone down.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked walking in the kitchen as Jason put a phone down

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"No one." I looked at him shaking my head before I started cooking for my kids. My kids had begged me to stay for dinner when I dropped them off and as much as I didn't want to I agreed. "Baby when you coming home?"

"Jase I'm not your baby, stop."

"Come on Lani." He said standing behind me. I took in a deep breathe as I felt him pressed against me. His hands trapping me. "I miss you, don't you miss us."

"Please stop."

"No, stay here." He said kissing my neck. "Stay with me  o lo'u alofa." (My love)


"What Lani damn!" He said getting mad. "Just come home."

"I have a job and we aren't together."

"Yeah cause you wanna be overly dramatic and go run around, that's not even a job."

"Please stop yes it is."

"No it isn't the shit is fake as fuck and stupid come home and be a mother."

"I am a mother!"

"No your a slut traveling the world for no goddamn reason." He said grabbing my arm.

"Aye man back the fuck up." I sighed in relief as Ali and Tevita walked in the room. Tevita jerking his cousin away and Ali putting his arm around me.

"You ok?" He asked looking at me. I shook me head yes as he wiped my eyes.

"Don't let my dumbass of a brother get to you, he's just pissed you left his stupid ass."

"Am I a bad mom?"

"Absolutely not, you are the best, you have every right to follow your dreams, besides you're really good."

"Thank you." I heard a door slam a few minutes later and then Tevita walked back in.

"You ok Lani?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Look go play with the kids, Ali and I will finish dinner, don't worry Jase ain't coming back and if he does and tries anything I'll beat his ass again." I chuckled going and spending time with my kids. Maybe I should quit, try and do something else at least then I could get full custody.

"Mom are you ok?"

"I'm fine Nakoa, I just miss you guys."

"We miss you too, will you be on tv Friday?"

"I hope so."

"I'll make sure we are at nonna's house to watch you."

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