Triple Threat

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Getting to the arena I put my stuff away as Trin watched me, slight worry on her face. She had mother hen syndrome and was always worried about everyone she was the mom in the group.

"Are you ok Lani?"

"I'm fine. I'm just nervous."

"Your gonna kill it."

I got dressed heading to glam to get my hair and makeup done. I had a braid, makeup. I nervously bounced my leg the whole time. After about 45 minutes for everything I was done and started walking the halls. I turned a corner and groaned bumping into someone. Looking up I was taken back seeing Colby. I hadn't talked to him in a few weeks. Now he was in front of me dressed in a all black suit his hair pulled back. It was clear he had no interest in being here and I completely understood it, to miss the biggest night had to be extremely hard

  It was clear he had no interest in being here and I completely understood it, to miss the biggest night had to be extremely hard

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Whatever cologne he had on was intoxicating.

"Um sorry."

"It's fine, you ready?"

"I guess, nervous. Surprised you are here, sure it's hard."

"Yeah it is, nice to see friends but it really sucks I'm not on the show." I nodded seeing a camera behind him.

"Well it was good to see you, get well soon." I walked off back to the locker room. During the math for Dean and Brock I walked with Sasha and Charlotte to the entrance. Sasha was going out with her cousin Snoop. We walked past Colby who spoke out to us.

"Have a good match ladies." I looked at him as he winked a small smile crossing his face. I was shocked earlier we were getting rid of the Divas title and now having a real title. It looked like the guys but white but I knew I wouldn't get it. We had found out a bit ago Charlotte of course was winning.I took a deep breathe as my music hit and I walked out. I stopped looking around for a second. My first Mania for me. It was odd not having the twins with me but at the same time great.

"The following is a Triple threat match and it is for the WWE Women's Championship. Introducing the challengers, first, from Pensacola, Florida Lelani Uso." I looked over smiling as I heard Lina and Kecia cheer for me. Sasha and Char both had more singles experience than I did at least as far as everyone knew.


Lei was doing really good. She had been worried sick for weeks about this match, she felt this was her moment and so far she was doing great. I mean all three of them were doing great but I knew what this meant to her. I really wanted to leave but I wanted to see her. I was in the ground in a box seat watching the match. As cool as it was it still sucked I wasn't in it and worse I really wanted to leave. This was a lot harder than I thought t was going to be.

I had never really got to see her in the ring and she was blowing me away so I knew damn well she was showing herself to the crowd and that they wouldn't forget it. Joe and the twins always said she was better than them and they hadn't been too far off. She was really talented and I didn't get why the company kept her a valet for so long. I sighed as she got put in the figure 8 eventually tapping. I knew she was probably upset. I clapped, their match had been really great. Towards the end of the show I couldn't handle it anymore and left. The camera team finally leaving me alone, I just couldn't handle being here anymore, on the outside looking in, it was killing me and I had been in a shitty mood all day.

What room are you in? I asked sending her a text.


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