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I left a few hours later, heading to the lobby for some food I ordered to cover up where I was. Coming back to the room Josh woke up turning on the light.

"What are you doing?"

"Was hungry, got food, sorry I woke you."

"It's straight." He rolled over going back to sleep and I starred at his back. I had no clue what the fuck was going on with Colby and I, if we were frenemies, fuck buddies, together I just knew I was getting feelings for him and that I was keeping something from my brothers, something I had never done in our lives.


It was the night of the draft, none of us were told what we were doing, where we were going. I had no clue if any of my family would stay with me. I just knew where ever the twins went Trin was going too since her and Jon were married and married couples didn't get split. As the show started Colby got drafted to Raw as the very first pick. Joe was drafted to Raw and I put my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me kissing my head.

"It's ok, you could still be with me and besides your my family and my favorite cousin, seperation isn't anything we haven't done before. Remember Georgia and Hawaii, it'll be ok." I nodded as he rubbed my back and I looked up feeling eyes on me. Colby was glancing at me, trying to make it not noticeable.

"Mick I know you like the ladies but I think you missed out, on the best women's superstar which is who we're gonna pick right now and that is Leilani Uso!" I looked up as Bryan said my name. I wasn't drafted with my brothers, they had only said my name, something I wasn't used to.

"Get it sis." Jon said hugging me.

"Told you if you kept at it you'd get there." Josh said messing up my hair. I looked over his shoulder as he hugged me my eyes meeting Colby's. Different brands, different schedules, different lives. I was currently in a storyline with Nattie which was pretty cool and I tossed on the smackdown shirt that was given to me after I cut the sleeves off. She was supposed to have a match and I was going to attack her. I ran out as we started fighting, refs trying to separate us from one another. After the show the twins got the call they and Trin were all on Smackdown. I sent a text to Char and Sash.

Hey I want some alone time so if anyone asks I'm with you guys


Where ya goin? Sash

Just out, maybe a walk and some junk Idk yet.

Stay safe.

I got up walking to the door when Jon stopped me.

"Where ya going?"

"Chill with Char maybe Sash, I'll be back." I walked out and took the stairs 2 floors down to the room Colby had. I looked around knocking on his door hoping noone would see me. He opened it and moved letting me in.

"Surprised you are here."

"Sasha and Char are covering for me."

"Cool." I stripped sitting on his lap as he looked at me, gulping. I took his glasses off lying them on the table next to the bed. "What are you doing?"


"You know I'm perfectly fine just lying with you an watching a movie right?"

"Yeah and we can do that too but I'm going to miss you, our schedules are about to be totally different and I can't gaurantee how often we can see each other."

"We'll figure it out beautiful."

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