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Smackdown came and I was in a orange tank, and jeans. A day one ish bandana in my pocket hanging out. I went to the ring as everyone was cheering and grabbed a mic.

 I went to the ring as everyone was cheering and grabbed a mic

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"I deserve to be standing here as the Women's champion. Since that moment was stolen from me Charlotte Flair deserved the beating that I gave her. Because summerslam wasn't supposed to be about Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns or Aj Styles or Seth Rollins or Ronda Rousey and it certainly wasn't supposed to be about Charlotte Flair. It was supposed to be about one woman, me. It was my time. I had fought my way for months and earned my way into a singles match with Carmella, and I had even gotten over the fact that Charlotte had been added to the match because finally, finally it was my opportunity to prove that I am more than the Uso's little sister. I pictured myself raising that title above my head, saying I am my own woman, that I am a top star. That I put Smackdown lives Women's division on the map and I am the new champion. Then you guys you act like you are with me but where you the whole time. See because there was no hashtag give Lelani a chance, and yeah when Charlotte weaseled her way into my match I got a few tweets saying Leilani Uso was getting screwed over but there was no point. You still sold out Summerslam didn't you."


I watched as she paced the ring. I knew part of that promo she was speaking was a shoot. She really did feel like she was just her brothers sister, like she was in their and her cousins shadow. She had critics say she had only been where she was because of them.

"When Charlotte stole the match from me you got out of your seats and applauded the new champion. So you weren't really that upset were you? And somehow whenever someone ask the WWE universe who the greatest superstar of all time i s for some reason Leilani Uso is never the first name out of your mouths. Somehow, somehow I have been  made an afterthought, and you think that after a few nights of praise that it going to change it all. No, no I don't buy it anymore. Because you are a generation of all talk, all opinions and no action.  Come Summer slam I had ad enough of opinions and I decided to take action.  Because that referee slapping the mat for the third was like someone snapping me out of a trance. I had never seen anything more clearly in my life, I knew in that moment that my so called friend had been holding me back I knew in that moment that Charlotte had stolen my opportunity for the last time. I knew in that moment I was going to raise her hand up and rip her head off. Because this was supposed to be my time, my turn to be champion, and not because of any of you decide that Leilani Uso finally deserves it, no, no because I say I deserve it. Because I say I am the best and there is not a woman on this roster or a person in this arena or any of you watching at home that can tell me different."  She said glaring at the camera. She was killing this promo, it was one of the best I had seen in a while and I knew I was watching the making of a star that she always was. Charlotte's music hit. They started fighting and he entire Smackdown women's roster ended up breaking them up, well trying and failing. I got a call later that night from Lani.

"That promo was amazing beautiful."

"Thank you. You sure it was good."

"Lani, I just watched a star take form. It was amazing, turning heel was your moment."

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