Find my way back to you- Florence

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"I really have to go, babe, I have to get to class." You say breathlessly as Florence attacks your neck mercilessly, leaving hickeys in her path.

"5 more minutes." She mumbles with a groan as you pull her hair.

"I'm already late." You gasp as she bites your sweet spot.

"Exactly. There's no point going." Florence shrugs.

You push against her shoulders so she's no longer kissing your neck. "As much as I love you and your kisses, my Mom will kill me if I'm late again."

Florence pouts deeply.

"Plus you have to be on set in 10 minutes." You remind her and tuck her hair behind her ears.

"Stay." She whines.

"I'll see you later, ok? I'll come over after class." You promise.

"Fine." She pouts even more.

You giggle and peck her lips. "I love you, Flossie."

A smile breaks out onto her face. "I love you more, Babygirl."

You smile and kiss her cheek before grabbing your bag and slipping out of her trailer.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Your Mom, Scarlett, asks.

"Um, I was just checking up on Flo, she wasn't feeling too good yesterday." You lie.

Your Mom eyes you suspiciously for a moment. "Alright, off you go. You'll be late for school."

"I'm going. Bye, Mama." You kiss her cheek as you walk past her.

"Bye, darling. Have a good day." She smiles.

You sigh in relief when she doesn't question you about the marks on your neck.

You see, you and Flo have been dating for 5 months now, ever since you met her when your Mom was casting for 'Black Widow', a couple months before they started shooting. Florence immediately took a liking to you, as you did to her, and only after a week of knowing you, she had already taken you on two dates and kissed you. It was very clear that the two of you liked each other, and after a month of sneaking around going on dates, she asked you to be her girlfriend.

You haven't told anyone, especially not your Mom because she is extremely over protective of you, and she would flip if she found out her 18 year old daughter was dating a 23 year old. So, you kept it to yourselves, not that you mind too much- it's nice to be in your little bubble with her.

Your Dad, Chris Evans, knows about you two, as well as your Aunt Lizzie- who is the biggest shipper of you two. Chris is a cool Dad, he isn't one for rules. He buys you alcohol whenever you go over to stay with him, he doesn't care if you go out to parties, and he definitely doesn't care that you're dating Florence. Well, of course he cares, but he isn't bothered by it. He can see that she makes you happy and that's enough for him, plus he's a bit a fan girl when it comes to Florence, but you've never told her that because he would be embarrassed.

You would love to tell your Mom, but she would just freak out and ruin the magic of your relationship, so you keep it quiet.

You just weren't expecting your Mom to go through your phone one day.

"I'm gonna go for a shower." You tell your Mom and stand up from her lap- yes, she still likes to hold you on her lap even though you're 18.

"Ok, baby." She smiles.

As you go for a shower, your phone, that you accidentally left on the arm of the couch, keeps going off with texts from Flo.

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