Subdora x Male reader

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Subdora was running across the roofs at night whilst invisible as she muttered to herself. Actually it was more like she was arguing with herself.

Subdora:That stupid brute!We have our differences but this was the last time!I dont need him,I am more of a thief myself.

Unknown to her,her furious french ramble didnt go unnoticed.There was figure following her with infrared vision.The person was dresed in a black armor that resembled several nocturnal animals.But had nothing to do with The Batman.

Y/N:Look what we have here?I here I tought Ill never get to use this vampire bat vision goggles.

He walked over to the edge of the building as he stepped of and fell down.Only to rise with his bat wing glider.He followed after Subdora until he dropped down with his wings folded and landed on his back covered in hedgehog spikes.When the dust cleared Subdora was on the floor coughing and her invisibility was off.

Subdora:Hey,what do you think youre doing?!

Y/N sat up and tossed a museum flyer that had a large diamond on the front cover.

Y/N:This was like a dinner bell for any thief in Bellwood.You must be new around here. Im the towns vigilante but please,call me Nightstrike.

Subdora:Youre not gonna stop me!

She then became invisible but Nightstrike only chuckled as his goggles covered his eyes and he saw her chargin at him but he menaged to deflect her hit.

Nightstrike:Lady,I tracked you here.What makes you think this desapearing act will work now.Let me shed a little light on,activate firefly light!

Nightstrikes shoulders open up to show a blinding light that of course blinded Subdora and gave Nightstrike a chance to pin her down.

Nightstrike:Little known fact,lion actuall spend a lot of their timee during the night.So dont feel bad if the suit to strong for you.

Subdora:Ugh!This isnt worth it.

She used her tail to grab Nightstrikes leg and toss him over the building.As he was falling his hands sparked with electricity and stuck to the wall of the building.

Nightstrike:Woo.Thank goodness for geckos wall climbing tech.

He then climbed to the roof of the building but couldnt see or hear Subdora.He won this night,sort of,but knew this wasnt the last time hed see her.Through the night they clashed together and as the times passed night to months,months became a 364 days since they first met.As the time progressed she menaged to somehow forget her ex boyfriend who was created from rhino and Omnitrixs DNA by Dr.Animo from the future.

Y/Ns hero-villian benter eventually became casual flirts which were very affective when it came to breaking Subdoras focus.Aparently not even invisibility can hide a bright enough blush.Tonight was a the grand opening of a new bank and exactly one year from their first meeting as they were brawling on the roof.Well it was more of Subdora trying to hit Y/N which he defelcted.

Nightstrike:Have I already told you how cute your three eyes are?

Subdora:One too many times.This dance wont last forever.

Subdora went for another hit,throwing her entire body weight in it,but Nightstrike bent backwards and cought her arm before twisting their bodies so they were in last waltz position where the male lowers the female.

Nightstrike:We can try.

Then Subdora done something which took Nightstrike completly by surprise.She kissed him.While Nighstrike stood there comfused with Subdora in his arms,she turned him around so he the one pinned down this time.

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