Young Ma Vreedle x Male Reader

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Author:(I already made picture of her long time ago,but I thought I should try using my new drawing style.Old was was mostly drawing lines on the Powerpoint and cutting parts of pictures.So,what do you think?)

In the depths of space,there was a Plumber persuit.Plumbers were hunting after a ship that looked like it was made of garbe and floating scrap metal.On the inside were the amateur pilot,Rhomboid and Octagon.Outside the ship however,was their mother,or rather the mother of the original Rhomboid and Octagon from who this two were cloned.She was firing out of her balsters at the Plumber ship.When one of them stopped working,she just threw it at the ship and making a pretty big dent too.

Ma:Step on boys!All this taydenites gonna get us some of that good cloning kit for more of your brothers.

Octagon:As if the hideout isnt what you might call,overpopulated.

Ma:I heard that!Cant ever have too many pretty boys.Just not having them come along for the stick up make me feel so lonesome.

Rhomboid:Were here Ma.

Ma:s that supposed to make be feel better?

Octagon:I dont want o alarm yous two but-

Ma:What is it!?

Octagon:There seems to be an what you might call,an anomaly were headed for.

The looked up ahead and saw a time spewing white hole.

Octagon:I done reckon this will be an unpleasant.

They noticed the Plumbers stopped following them and something kept pulling towards the hole.

Ma:What do you think youre doing?!Pull back!
Octagon:I cant,the controls are malfuctioning.

They got pulled in the white hole which made the whole spacecraft shake.Ma Vreedle was barely hanging on with her fingers dug in the metal exterior but her grip began to slip.She was getting further and further away until the force pulled her completley away.She fell through the wall of their intertemporal tunnel and exited in another point in time.She could see her hand shrinking before her eyes as her own size began to decrease.

Before she had any time to comprehand what was going on,she began to plummet towards the closest planet.A planet that just so happened to be Earth.She passed through the Exosphere,thermosphere,Mesosphere,Stratosphere,Troposphere and finally entered the biosphere.She fell on the ground with a loud cloud anf a cloud of dust but she was still in once piece.She stood up and once she did took a long look around her body,noticed she was different.A lot different.

Ma:Oh mah goodness!Is this really my body?I havent felt this pretty in ages.I cant remember the last time Ive seen my rump.Almost forgot how it look from this angle.I look better than before I met good for nothing Pa Vreedle.With my experience and this body,Ill be ustopable.

Camera moved upwards to show how much smaller she looked now.Then it bolted away down the road and reached a close town that looked like place too happy and big to be in a middle of a desert.Camera came to quick halt in the down time and turned,before entering the Real estate office building.There was handfull of people in the halls,some talking,some doing magic tricks and some even regailing their past stories of cheerleading.The camera finally stopped by the office with a big letter W.There was more of the real estate agents there,gathered around a big board with pictures of houses.

Real estate chief:And the house in the fifth avenue,survived two divorces,roof damaged by a controlled house fire,basement recentley cleaned for mold,goes toooo...Y/N.


Real estate agent 1:Ha!This is the fifth time you got the worst houses to sell.

Y/N:Its just not fare.The only reason you get the best ones is because youre dating the chiefs sister.

Ben 10 Alien Girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now