Magic Reality Check

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Y/n's Clothes:

Y/n's Clothes:

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~Alfea Quad~

Bloom is staring into a well. Stella: "Bloom! Bloom! Hello! Hey, what's up?" Bloom drops a coin into the well. Bloom looks around at Stella. Stella: "What did you wish for?" Bloom: "I can't tell you!" Y/n: "Or, else the wish won't come true, right?" Bloom: "Yeah. Woah, are you okay?" Y/n: "No." Stella: "Does it have blonde hair and blue eyes?" Musa: "From the look on her face, I'm betting it does! Bloom." Bloom: "Brandon wants to go on a walk. What do you think that means?" Musa: "Yo, B, I don't know what going on a walk with a boy means on Earth, but in my realm when your crush asks you out, we usually call it a date." Stella: "Well, she can't go. He asked her, less than 72 hours, in advance." Flora: "He's just being spontaneous, Stella." Tecna: "Actually, I have to agree with Stella. Spontaneity is overrated, advanced planning is a sign of respect." Sella: "And pretending to have a busy, social calendar is a sign of self-respect. Besides what kind of cheap date is going on a walk? Plus, walking totally limits one's choice of dating, footwear." Bloom: "It doesn't matter, I want to hang out with him." Musa: "Ooh la la, looks like our Bloom is going on a date!" Tyrone: "Y/n!" Y/n: "Hmm?" Tyrone: "You look like trash." Y/n: "I feel like trash. What did you need?" Tyrone: "I need help with asking Valorie out." Y/n: "Val? Umm..." Stella: "You look like trash." Y/n: "Thanks. Ask her out, and take her on a picnic. She's a very simple person." Tyrone: "Thanks." *Runs off* Stella: "Cute boy." Y/n: "I'm happy."

~Red Fountain School~

Brandon: "You know, I didn't really like school last year." Bloom: "What made you change your mind about it?" Brandon, Y/n, Bloom, and Lady walk. Brandon: "Uhh, there are better people around this year." Brandon clears his throat. Y/n has a smug look. Brandon: "And other stuff too. They started selling glazed doughnuts at breakfast, the glazed ones are the best." Bloom laughs. Brandon: "So, how's Alfea?" Bloom: "It's cool! I like it but we have our first midterm tomorrow morning." Brandon: "They're no fun." Lady runs back with a stick. Bloom: "Tell me about it." Brandon: "Hey, you'll do fine. Fetch!" Brandon throws the stick for Lady. Lady runs after it. Bloom sighs. Bloom: "It's a difficult midterm - magical reality." Brandon: "No way! Heard that story about the girl who disappeared in the chamber? Wow." Bloom: "Yeah, I don't think that one's true. But Tecna says your performance on this midterm is an accurate prediction of your long-term success at Alfea!" Brandon: "I'm sure you'll do well, Bloom." Bloom: *sounds unsure* "Thanks. I hope so." Brandon: "Come on, I've seen the kind of power you have. It's so awesome! You are gonna ace your test." Bloom: "Power is only part of it and that thing in Magix might have just been a fluke." Bloom bends down to pat Lady. Brandon kneels beside her. Brandon: "I have a feeling you're gonna rock." Bloom: "Thanks." They smile at each other. Nearby Riven is watching them. Riven: "Oh, I'm gonna get so much praise." Riven connects to Darcy through her powers. Riven: "Puppy dog to stiletto. Copy?" Darcy: "Copy." Riven: "The butterfly is flying into the spiderweb. Tomorrow she'll be yours." Darcy: "Good boy, Riven!"

~Magical Reality Chamber, Alfea~

Palladium: "I am sure, you must have heard quite a bit about this place already. This is it! The Alfea Magical Reality Chamber. The chamber is the product of the most powerful kind of magic that exists; secrets, ancient spells, and potions are combined to create just the right mix of magical energy to produce a virtual world and any kind of virtual situation imaginable. Stella: "How about a virtual situation where there's no midterm!?" Y/n yawns, and stretches. The class laughs. Palladium: "Yes, but it could also create quite a different situation; one where the test lasts forever." The class stops laughing abruptly. Palladium: "Let me explain to you what it's like inside the chamber. While the world is virtual, the reality is not; when it's cold you will really feel cold and if a rock falls and hits you, believe me, you will feel it. Some like to say the magical reality test is what separates the fairies from the pixies. I think it's true." They enter the control room for the chamber. Stella: *to Tecna* "Help me study? Tonight." Tecna: "Oh, sure." Palladium: "Gather round." Tecna: "Don't I always?" Palladium sits at the controls and starts to press the buttons. The class looks on with interest. Palladium: "Your midterm will be a survival test. The chamber will randomly select a dead planet for you. It will then place you on a virtual version of this planet's surface where you will have to survive extremely desolate conditions." Flora: "First step: grow some plants." Stella: "Note to self: bring family gardener on the journey." Bloom: "Stella! You can't bring anyone with you." Stella: "Right. Survive without a staff? You must be joking!" Stella laughs. Palladium: "You may bring potion ingredients but nothing else. You will have to rely solely on your Winx to survive. As it should be." Y/n: I bet I'm not sleeping tonight. *Smirks* I can use this to my advantage. "Professor Palladium, is the Omega dimension available for this test?" Palladium: "Yes? Every dimension is. How did you know of the prison planet?" Y/n: "Research..." Getting beat up there. Being questioned like a suspect.

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