The Eclipse

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Narrator: "Armed with King Neptune Sword, Aisha is determined to save her family. Darkness engulfs the magic dimension after Tritannus remove the seal from the Pillar of Light. Stella worried about her father King Radius whose health is linked to the sun of Solaria fought to save him."

~King Radius's Bedroom~

Luna: "You're going to be okay Radius.As long as Solaria's second sun shines." Radius: "L...Luna?What are you doing here?" Luna: "Taking care of you. We might be divorced but we are still family and you are still my king." Radius: "I have to mobilize our forces, we must fight!" Luna: "Our second sun is dimming. Our only hope now is that the Winx can save the Pillar of Light otherwise our lives will be lost."

~Underwater the Infinite Ocean~

Stella: "Light Diamond!" Illiris: "I knew you can do it, Stella!" Bloom: "Thanks, Stella!" Stella: "They came away!" Aisha: "Tritannus!" Tritannus: "Ahahah..." Aisha: "Look! Tritannus has taken a part of the pillar with him!" Tritannus: "Beasts! Move!" Bloom: 'Let's go girls!" Flora: "Nature Kick!" Stormy: "Urgh..." Darcy: "Look! They're leaving without us! Come on!" Tritannus: "You try to protect me." Darcy: "I'd do anything for you, Tritannus." Tritannus: "I'm gonna bring the whole Magic Dimension down one pillar at a time! Come." Bloom: "There he is!" Aisha: "Tritannus!" Tritannus: "Cousin Aisha, missing the family? Go say hello!" Aisha: "No!" Stella: "Tritannus' mutants." Darcy and Tritannus: "Hahahahah...." Stella: "Uh-oh..." Bloom: "Here they come!" Aisha: "Don't worry, I'll handle them. Neptune's Sword!" Stormy: "Hey!" Darcy: "Let's go sister." Tressa and Nereus are back to normal. Aisha: "Nereus! Tressa!" Tressa: "Cousin Aisha." Nereus: "Thank you. Thank you!" Stella: "Yaay!" Aisha: "Crown Prince Nereus." Nereus: "My father's sword." Aisha: "But it is yours now." Tressa: "Take it, Nereus." Nereus: "Cousin Aisha, you used this sword to free us from my brother's spell. I vow to use it to free the Infinite Ocean from all of Tritannus' evil." Tressa: "I will fight with you Nereus." Bloom: "Together we will defeat Tritannus." Musa: "Yikes!" Bloom: "You guys! Look, it worked!" Selkie Guard 1: "Tritannus took the seal from the Pillar of Light." Selkie Guard 2: "And now the pillar is collapsing!" Illiris: "All the sense of all the worlds will go dark!" Stella: "The Pillar of Light is going to fall! We have to save it." Flora: "We're here." Musa: "Lookout, it's about to go!" Tecna: "We need to stabilize it somehow." Aisha: "I got this. Morphix Power!" The spell doesn't work. Flora: "That wasn't enough!" Bloom: "Let's wrap it with convergence. Okay Winx, altogether." Winx: "Sirenix convergence!" Aisha: "Oh no, it didn't work!" Tecna: "Watch out! Whoa!" Flora: "What are we going to do?" Selkie Guard 2: "Light." Selkie Guard 1: "The pillar cannot stand without light. You must restore the light." Aisha: "Stella?" Stella: "Yes! Nnnaaah!" Bloom: "Oh no!" Stella: "Alright. I am the Fairy of the Shining Sun and no one is going to put out the light on my watch. Mom, Dad, this is for you! Light of Sirenix!" The pillar is now stabilized completely. Flora: "Stella! Okay?" Stella: "Okay." Selkies cheer. Bloom: "You did it, Stella." Stella: "Yeah, I did." Flora: "Way to go!" All cheer for Stella.

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