Mission to Cloud Tower

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Y/n's clothes:

The Winx Return

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The Winx Return. Stella: "I think it's tacky to come back empty-handed from a trip. I know we didn't find the Dragon Fire but we should've at least picked up some T-shirts." Bloom: "I don't think anyone expects souvenirs from a DEAD planet Stella." Stella: "Uh, Okay." The ship lands at Alfea and the Winx and Heroes get off. Miss Faragonda: "Welcome homegirls. I'm glad you're all safe. It was a brave mission." Bloom: "Thanks, Miss Faragonda." Saladin: "So, you were able to help the girls?" Sky: "Well, they were fine without us." Bloom: "No, he's just being modest. The boys saved us back there." Stella: "Uh, yes. They should get major extra credit." Musa: "Hey check it out..." Old Enemies Become New Allies. Kiko is playing leapfrog with Pepe. Y/n: "Pepe~." Pepe: "Mama!" Musa: "...Kiko made a new friend." Stella: "How weird. That's Icy's duck. How did he get here?" Knut appears. Knut: "Duh, I brought him with me." Stella: "Trouble." Musa: "Hmmm." Miss Faragonda: "It's all right. The ogre is on our side now." Saladin: "He tried to stop the Witches and we're letting him stay." Stella: "That's Peachy Keen with me as long as he improves his hygiene." Knut does some finger walking. Knut: "I'm sorry if I'm a little stinkier than usual. I've had to do a lot of fighting." Miss Faragonda: "Oh it's fine. We have bigger problems than OBO right now." Flora: "Well we are back and ready to help. Right girls?" Stella: "I've got an extra bottle of perfume. You want?" Knut hugs Stella. Knut: "Thank you." Stella: "Ah,~squashed~ take two please!!" Assessing the Situation Tecna: "Hey, the guys look down." Bloom: "Well it figures. The Witches destroyed the whole Red Fountain campus, right?" Miss Faragonda: "That's correct. The boys are setting up quarters here at Alfea." The girls thumb up and giggle. Miss Faragonda: "Young ladies, the situation has become extremely dire. In my entire career, I've never had to deal with anything like this." Y/n: *Cough* *Caugh* "Valtor" *Cough* *Cough* Sky: "You okay." Y/n: "Peachy." Saladin: "Once you get settled in, we'll sit down and discuss the best course of action." Miss Faragonda: "We need to be prepared for the worst now. They will surely try to destroy Alfea next."

~At Cloud Tower~

Lightning comes down at Cloud Tower. Ice: "Ladies! We need a truly despicable plan." Darcy: "Picture this: We send the entire Army of Decay over to Alfea at once." Stormy: "One final attack." Ice: "It's perfect. We'll summon a horde so vast we'll bury those losers once and for all." Darcy: "What about Y/n." Ice: "She'll stay out of the way. I have an ace up my sleeve."

~A New Plan~

Miss Faragonda: "Bloom, I must ask you one more time. Are you sure you want to do this?" Bloom: "I know that it's dangerous, but I don't have any other choice. It's what I have to do." Saladin: "But are you sure we should allow her to proceed?" Miss Faragonda: "I am certain that Bloom has good instincts. Go ahead with your plan." Sky: "Uh Excuse me but what is the plan?" Saladin: "We're sending you on a mission to infiltrate Cloud Tower, and Bloom is the squad leader. Both of you boys will be under her direct command." Brandon: "What?" Sky: "Bloom, how could you think of going anywhere near the witches when you don't even have your powers?" Bloom: "Listen, I have to believe that I'll get the DragonFire back. I don't know how, but I do know it's the right course." Brandon: "How will you get in?" Knut: "Well, we'll take the tunnels." Bloom: "When Knut was a kid, he used to play in the tunnels, so he knows how to avoid the surveillance system. Once we get in, we'll figure the rest out. Okay?" Sky: "You're disregarding the first lesson of tactics: you always need to have a plan." Bloom: "Except that there is no way to have a plan, so the way I see it is that we can either stay here and be overwhelmed or we can do something. So what do you guys say; are you with me?" Y/n: "Can I join? I've got a bone to pick with Ice." Faragonda: "We need you here. You're the strongest student we have." Y/n: "What about the monsters in Cloud Tower?" Faragonda: "They can handle it." Sky: "I see your point. Count me in."Bloom: "Ok, great. We just have to get our stuff, so meet us by well when you're ready." Miss Faragonda: "Bloom I want you to proceed with caution, but also with haste. The signs are unmistakable. Look, the final attack is coming."

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